Status: December 17, 2020 7:30 am

Health authorities have informed the Robert Koch Institute of 698 new deaths in relation to the corona virus. The number of new infections is also increasing.

The corona virus in Germany continues to spread rapidly. German health authorities reported a total of 26,923 new infections on Thursday morning. Compared to the previous week, they are almost 3,000 more infected. The number of daily deaths is 698, the second highest figure since the outbreak of the pandemic. Given the increase in new infections, this increase in deaths was expected.

Seven-day incidence drops only slightly

There is also nothing clear regarding the seven-day incidence, which indicates how many people per 100,000 inhabitants are infected with the corona virus. This figure was slightly reduced to 179.2, but it is still a long way from the politically defined target of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants. The seven-day R-value is 0.98 based on current data. This means that currently 100 infected people infect 98 more people. For the infection situation to relax, the R-value should be below one for a longer period of time.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Robert Koch Institute has counted 1,406,161 detected infections, of which 1,047,600 are considered recovered.

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