Crown crisis in Europe: Germany’s neighbors are easing requirements


The number of infections skyrocketed in early November and is now falling again in many EU countries. How do neighboring countries overcome the crisis and what do they want to do differently at Christmas? An overview.

Czech Republic: mask requirement and Christmas bonus for retirees

According to figures from Johns Hopkins University, the number of new infections each day in the Czech Republic was 6,542 cases in early November, and within a few days it rose to 15,731. On November 10, 295 coronavirus-related deaths were reported in the past 24 hours; the number now stands at 112. However, the number of new infections each day has barely decreased compared to the beginning of the month: 5176 cases were recorded on Tuesday.

However, all shops and restaurants in the country should be able to reopen as of tomorrow: the Czech daily “Hospodarske noviny” views this critically, even if the mask requirement still applies in public: “If the measures are relaxed , but the testing efforts and the follow-up of contacts The infected do not improve, it can only end like this: the epidemic will accelerate again, “he wrote and suspected: The government is probably mainly concerned about not spoiling the Christmas business. In fact, a considerable number of the 10.7 million Czechs receive a small stimulus from the state: 2.8 million pensioners will receive a Christmas Crown bonus equivalent to 190 euros.

Poland: galloping number of infections awaiting vaccination

The number of infections has recently skyrocketed in Poland: on November 24, according to Johns Hopkins University, the country reported 32,733 new infections and 674 deaths in one day; on December 1 there were 9113 infections and 449 deaths. Therefore, already at the beginning of November, the government had switched all schools to distance education. Cinemas, theaters and museums have closed again, as have stores in malls, with the exception of grocery stores and pharmacies.

However, in the run-up to Christmas, the requirements for retail were relaxed again: Sundays can also be open for sale in the run-up to Christmas. The Polish government is hopeful that nationwide vaccination campaigns will begin in February, which, according to Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, will be carried out “free of charge, voluntarily and in two rounds”: several manufacturers have been asked a total of 45 million doses for the 38 million Poles.

Corona case numbers in the last month

1.11.2020 1.12.2020 Maximum value Second wave
Czech Republic 6542 5176 15.731 am 4.11. new infections daily
178 112 295 am 10.11. daily deaths
Poland 17,171 9113 32,733 hours 24.11. new infections daily
152 449 674 am 25.11. daily deaths
Denmark 948 1468 1638 am 28.11. new infections daily
2 9 9 am 1.12. daily deaths
Austria 4956 3033 9586 am 13.11. new infections daily
twenty-one 141 141 am 1.12. daily deaths
France 46,290 413 125,414 am 8.11. new infections daily
231 2 1224 am 17.11. daily deaths
Belgium 11,789 1867 23.921 am 29.10. new infections daily
112 141 345 am 10.11. daily deaths

Denmark: digital education due to large number of infected youth

In Germany’s northernmost neighboring state, the number of newly infected people continues to rise despite strict requirements: more recently, 1,468 infections were recorded in one day; at the beginning of November it was still less than 1,000.

The high proportion of young people who are infected with the corona virus is cause for concern. The Minister of Health, Magnus Heunicke, asked him to reduce contacts, because the situation is particularly worrying in the 17 municipalities of the capital region. Massive tests will be carried out in the capital’s municipalities in the coming weeks, especially for people between 15 and 25 years old. The sport is limited to a maximum of ten people. Starting next week, high school lessons will be digital.

International professional sporting events, on the other hand, are still allowed: the opening match of the European Championship of German handball players against Romania will take place tomorrow night in Kolding, although there was a positive test in the team early of week.

Austria: at Christmas on the ski slopes between them

In Austria, the number of new infections is slowly stabilizing despite the tough two-week lockdown. While 9,586 new infections were recorded on Nov. 13, the number of new infections each day dropped to less than a third, but reported deaths reached a new high of 141 on Tuesday. “It is still going down very slowly, but the trend is correct,” said Health Minister Rudolf Anschober.

As of next Monday, shops, hairdressing salons and museums in Austria will be able to reopen, subject to the usual hygiene regulations; Exit restrictions will continue to apply between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. Cinemas, theaters and concert halls will be closed until January 6, and the ski slopes, which are due to open on December 24, are de facto only available to Austrians themselves: hotels must close before January 7, for those coming from risk areas. a ten-day quarantine obligation.

France: a month of harsh blockade and many opponents of vaccination

France only lifted its strict four-week lockdown last weekend. After as many as 125,414 new infections were recorded in one day in early November, the number has declined markedly: on Tuesday only 413 new infections were recorded, the number of daily deaths dropped from more than 1,000 in mid-November to 231.

After the first relaxation, long lines formed in front of hairdressing salons and shops; bars and restaurants will be closed until January 20. The measures affected the catering and event industries, in particular, so much that people continued to gather for public “Die-In” protests, and criticism from the population grew: according to one study, about 60 percent of French they throw bad things at President Emmanuel Macron and his government. Corona crisis management.

The government is concerned that studies have shown that the number of vaccine opponents and skeptics of the pandemic is particularly high in France, according to epidemiologist Arnaud Fontanet of the Pasteur Institute in Paris, so that “a normal life” is possible again at from autumn 2021. “80 to 90 percent” of the French get vaccinated. There should be no mandatory vaccination, Macron emphasized several times, but rather a nationwide vaccination campaign in early summer 2021.

Belgium: Mandatory Interior Ministry averted “tsunami”

At the end of October, Belgian Health Minister Frank Vandenbroucke warned of a “tsunami” of corona infections: 23,921 new infections in one day threatened to put the health system into a loss of control, with only 11.5 million population.

The government hit the emergency brake: after the catering trade, almost all stores, except supermarkets, had to close, and the home office became mandatory. Members of a household could only meet with one person, the so-called “Knuffelcontact”, without having to respect distance rules.

The strategy had an effect: when Belgians were allowed into stores for the first time, alone and for up to half an hour, on Tuesday, the number of new infections was still 1867. The number of deaths recorded daily had increased in the same period, from 112 a. November 1 to 141.

Tagesschau reported on this issue on December 2, 2020 at 5:00 pm
