Crown crisis in Berlin: allowed services, clubs and theaters remain closed until July 31 – B.Z. Berlin


While other federal states have had relaxed exit restrictions since the start of the week, Berlin will do the same on Wednesday. That now applies in the capital.

“The principle remains that all people are encouraged to minimize physical-social contact with other people and to maintain a minimum distance of 1.50m,” said Berlin Mayor Michael Müller (SPD) at the start of the Senate press conference. On Tuesday, he also stressed that everything is still not clear for Corona. “We should not allow a relapse,” he said, and together with Klaus Lederer (left) and Ramona Pop (Greens) they introduced the following regulations to relax the exit restrictions that will apply in Berlin from now on.

► People in Berlin starting next week (April 27) by bus, S and U-Bahn Wear mouth and nose protection.. The Senate on Tuesday decided on a mandatory mask to curb the transmission of the coronavirus. Unlike several other federal states, it should not apply to retail. Such protection is “highly recommended” there, as well as in contact with people at risk. Not only simple surgical masks or self-stitched models count as a mouth-nose cover, but also a cloth or scarf. Distance rules and access restrictions, like in stores, cannot be strictly observed on public transport, which is why mouth protection must be introduced there, Müller says. “We will make sure that it offers free masks through decentralized issuing agencies for those who cannot afford them,” Müller continued.

There is currently no penalty for the obligation to wear a mask. “We believe this can also be done without a fine, but we will observe it,” said Michael Müller.

Shops With up to 800 square meters of retail space, regardless of scope, it can reopen with restrictions starting Wednesday. The federal and state governments agreed on this last week at a change conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU). Supermarkets, DIY megastores with garden centers, drugstores, drug stores, but also bookstores are open anyway because they didn’t have to close despite the crown pandemic. Shopping centers can open if they let a maximum of one person enter in 20 square meters. The equivalent of 40 customers can stay in an 800-square-meter store at the same time.

This also applies to department stores and department stores if they reduce their sales space accordingly, Economic Affairs Senator Ramona Pop (Greens) said Tuesday after the Senate meeting. From May 4, hairdressers can reopen under strict guidelines.

► In the areas Tourism and gastronomy There are no signs of relaxation at first. It remains with solutions to carry for the catering sector.

► From May 4 Services Up to 50 people are allowed if hygiene and distance standards are met. Christenings and funeral ceremonies are allowed starting Wednesday with up to 20 people.

► The complete Mounting ban is canceled As of Wednesday, meetings of up to 20 people are allowed. Starting May 4, outdoor gatherings and celebrations with up to 50 people are allowed if hygiene rules are followed.

Clubs, theaters, operas and cultural sites. stay closed until July 31!

► The Senate also voted Tuesday Prohibition of major events. with more than 5000 participants until October 24. The Berlin marathon, due to take place on September 27, must be canceled. Last year, 47,000 participants started. The Lollapalooza in early September also falls in this period and has more than 100,000 visitors. Large events of up to 1,000 people had been banned until August 31.

► More than 170 states, urban and private. Museums and galleries in Berlin with the famous Museum Island in the center it can reopen from May 4.

► Also from May 4, the Libraries the city can begin to operate at least partially again, initially the loan business should start again. All steps are subject to the condition that the respective houses can comply with the hygiene requirements and the applicable distance regulations during the Corona crisis.

Sport Again it is possible beyond team sport. That means: athletics, canoeing, tennis, golf, everything you do is only allowed. It is allowed to enter sports facilities, p. Take out your canoe or surfboard whenever the real practice of the sport is done alone. Gyms remain closed.

Michael Müller (file photo) (Photo: dpa)
Berlin Mayor Michael Müller (file photo) (Photo: dpa)

► It was already known on Tuesday morning that after a good five weeks of closure due to the pandemic of the crown of the Berliners Zoo, animal park and botanical garden. allowed to reopen in the next few days. As in other areas, the rules of distance and behavior must be applied in the systems and access must be controlled. In this context, buildings such as animal houses and playgrounds should initially be closed. Initially it was unclear when exactly the zoo and zoo would open. The botanical garden will be accessible again from April 27.

Also read

► On the S-Bahn? At the supermarket? Why don’t we know where we Berliners are?

► Berlin merchants demand: Mr. Müller, open Berlin again!

So far, this applies in Berlin.

Due to the spread of the corona virus, the first restrictions on public life took effect in Berlin on March 10. In the following days, the events were gradually canceled; theaters, cinemas, pubs, clubs, restaurants, sports facilities, schools, kindergartens and most stores had to close.

Finally, since March 23, a so-called contact ban has been implemented, which has now been extended twice and is currently valid until this Sunday (April 26). Under the Senate-approved ordinance, Berliners must “stay in their normal home or accommodation” at all times.

However, there are exceptions such as visits to the doctor, shopping, going for a walk with the dog or playing sports and walking outdoors. To do this, a minimum distance of 1.5 meters must be guaranteed; gatherings of more than two people abroad are prohibited. The group can only be larger for families.
