Crown crisis: Donald Trump accuses China of delaying pandemic


Donald Trump had canceled his daily press sessions at the White House for the time being, allegedly in protest against what he considered to be unfair media representatives. Trump recently caused a stir, among other things, with speculation about disinfectant injection. On Monday, however, after a few round trips, an appointment was made on short notice.

The President of the United States said he believed China could have prevented the coronavirus pandemic. “We are conducting very serious investigations. We are not happy with China. We believe that it could have stopped where it originated. It could have been contained quickly and would not have spread worldwide,” Trump said Monday (local time). at the White House. There are “many ways to hold them accountable.”

Trump’s latest criticism is seamlessly combined in a series of accusations against China: The United States government has long criticized China’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak that started in the Chinese city of Wuhan late last year. and it has become a global pandemic. In fact, there are doubts about the transparency of those responsible in China, especially in the early stages of the outbreak.

Distraction or serious evidence of irregularities?

However, Trump should also try to distract himself from his own government’s well-documented failures with his accusations. For weeks, Trump publicly downplayed the risk of Covid-19, letting valuable time pass in preparation for the coming wave of infection. In addition to China, Trump had also attacked the World Health Organization and waged a small war with those responsible in the individual US states. USA He never tires of accusing the media of alarmism and unfair reporting. His survey scores have suffered recently, a problem for him in light of the November election.

Last week, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the United States was “firmly convinced” that the Beijing government had not reported the outbreak in time and had concealed the danger of COVID-19, the respiratory illness caused by the virus. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said on Twitter on Monday that Pompeo should stop playing a political game. “Better use your energy to save lives.”

The coronavirus outbreak has killed more than 207,000 people worldwide, including more than 55,000 in the United States, according to a Reuters count. The United States is the most affected country, and those responsible in Washington are equally tense.

The president’s adviser makes massive complaints against Beijing

As early as Monday, White House trade adviser Peter Navarro accused China of sending inferior and even bogus coronavirus antibody test kits to the United States and making “profit” from the pandemic. Navarro, an outspoken critic of the People’s Republic, was entrusted by Trump with supply-line problems related to the health crisis.

He said that more testing for the virus and antibodies is crucial to get American citizens back to work. “Perhaps we can make the jobs safer through immune people, so we cannot allow China to present these false tests, for example, because it can be harmful,” Navarro said in an interview with host Fox News. ” The United States relies heavily on China for basic medical equipment and pharmaceuticals.

Icon: The Mirror
