Crown crisis: closing after Christmas – Markus Söder wants to “just shut everything down”


After Chancellor Angela Merkel’s urgent appeal, calls for a tough blockade by the federal states are also increasing. Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) spoke on the ZDF “Markus Lanz” program for a “complete lockdown” from Christmas to January 10.

»Simply close everything from stores to company vacations at many companies. If everyone participated, it would be great. Then we would have just under three weeks in which we could simply cut back on contacts. You won’t find a better time than this between Christmas and January 10 of the whole year, ”said Söder. Due to the Chancellor’s appointments at the EU summit, talks between the federal and state governments could take place as early as the weekend or early next week.

The Prime Minister of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer (CDU), expressed the hope of achieving joint results with the other countries in the ZDF “heute journal”, but referred to the measures already decided in the Free State. “We have now decided on our Saxon route and will follow it consistently,” Kretschmer said.

In the Free State, schools, kindergartens, after-school care centers and many stores will close as of next Monday. Grocery stores and basic necessities stores must remain open. Keeping shops, schools and daycare centers open: “That won’t have this effect,” Kretschmer said.

The state has become the biggest focus of the pandemic in Germany. In Bavaria, which also has an above-average number of infections compared to the federal states, stricter rules such as exit restrictions, alcohol bans in city centers and curfews in cities have been implemented since Wednesday. critical points.

The number of new infections every day remains high across the country, the number of people, the number of deaths had reached a new high of 590 on Wednesday. In recent weeks, the number of corona intensive care patients has also increased significantly.

But it’s not just the worst-hit countries that are putting pressure: in Schleswig-Holstein, where the number of infections is increasing but still low in a nationwide comparison, the coronation rate must also be adjusted. It is necessary “that we enter a hard lockdown by Christmas at the latest, to use the time during the turn of the year to stop this dangerous development in Germany,” Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU) said Wednesday night in Kiel.

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) also said the country needed two weeks around the turn of the year, “where we are reducing general contacts, closing, schools are closed so that we simply give this virus almost none possibility of giving up for two weeks. to go back to another level. “

Not only from politics are they called for the strict blockade recommended by the Leopoldina Academy of Sciences. The director of the German Hospital Society (DKG), Gerald Gaß, spoke in favor. Gass argued in a similar way to Söder: “The big possibility of a hard block for three weeks is that the infected no longer come into contact with healthy people. Then the virus has no chance of spreading, “said Gass of the” Passauer Neue Presse. ” He described the high number of deaths per corona as “alarmingly high.” “More people die than normal and we are experiencing excess mortality. Many people, especially the elderly, have lost years of their life. “

The president of the Marburger Bund Physicians Association, Susanne Johna, also emphasized: “Medical and nursing staff are working on the attack.” Tighter measures in some regions are undoubtedly associated with difficulties, but without a sensible alternative, said Johna of the “Rheinische Post.”

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