Crown crisis: Christmas bonuses should be paid in October


Germany Policy Tip

The Christmas bonus must be paid in October

| Reading time: 2 minutes

Each federal state cooks its own soup

The federal-state summit was supposed to bring clarity, but the federal states cannot yet agree on uniform rules. Chancellor Angela Merkel now called on citizens to adhere to the stricter measures.

How can you help retailers through the difficult Corona period? For example, with a Christmas bonus paid earlier, politicians suggest. However, the industry in question is skeptical.

reThe Handelsverband Deutschland has reacted cautiously to suggestions from politicians to advance Christmas bonus payments and thus strengthen the retail sector.

Managing Director Stefan Genth said on Saturday at the request of the German Press Agency: “We welcome all measures that will help our inner-city retailers to overcome this Corona crisis. An early Christmas voucher payment will likely only help the inner-city stores to a very limited extent. Unfortunately, many customers today are avoiding the shopping spree because they want to meet as few people as possible in the days of Corona. “

Also, the savings rate is currently very high. Many consumers preferred to keep their money together in the face of uncertain future prospects, according to Genth. “For distributors who need it, direct aid payments, like state bridge aid, which definitely needs to be expanded, would be more productive.”

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The leader of the Rhineland-Palatinate CDU parliamentary group, Christian Baldauf, had told the newspaper “Bild” (Saturday): “We have to support the retailers now. That is why I am calling on companies to pay the Christmas bonus with their October salary ”.

So many people could be doing their Christmas shopping in the coming weeks, and retailers “would not have to fear a second lockdown before Christmas, which can hopefully be avoided.” Baldauf is the main candidate of the CDU Rhineland-Palatinate for the state elections of 2021.

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SPD member of the Bundestag Florian Post made a similar statement. “That would relax the situation in the commercial areas during the Christmas business and it would be a great help for the fixed retail,” he said about the advance payments of Christmas bonuses. The vice chairman of the FDP parliamentary group, Michael Theurer, told the newspaper “Bild”: “Before it all ends with anonymous online giants, it would be great if companies that can still pay Christmas bonuses despite Corona prefer to be paid “.

Federal Economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) plans to extend the bridge aid that has been running until the end of the year for companies that have been particularly affected by Corona for six months until June 30, 2021.
