Crown crisis and citizenship: Merkel’s next test is just beginning: politics


The first great fire has been extinguished. Now is the time to discover and contain embers that are still burning to prevent them from reigniting and prevent an even bigger fire.

It is currently a déjà vu for Angela Merkel. The crown crisis is so complex that a vocal minority seeks simple truths. It was these nests of anger and mistrust that polarized the mood in the country in the refugee crisis beyond justified and prudent criticism.

A look in the mailbox of a Union deputy: “It cannot be that citizens are test subjects for the machinations of” pharmaceutical investor “Bill Gates,” writes one citizen. Another warns about dictatorship and ruin.

And a government adviser with a SPD party book, who tried to run for party leadership in 2018, described Corona on behalf of the Federal Interior Ministry in an 83-page analysis document as a powerful “false alarm.” This shows that doubts are also affecting the government apparatus.

The chancellor has communicated in this crisis like never before, even from the domestic quarantine, with an unstable connection. The government is now, according to some prospects, a victim of the paradox of prevention: crisis management with far fewer deaths than in other countries now leads to a refrain that shouts: “All exaggerated.”

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More hostility

The most silent and overwhelming majority support the course of caution and reason, fear the crisis. Although the government was completely inadequately prepared for a pandemic, it quickly avoided dramatic deaths, as in Italy and Spain.

After record support in the first phase (crises are her profession), Merkel is now experiencing a new phase with much more hostility. Many citizens perceive it as paternalistic.

The chancellor is now fighting on two fronts. This was also shown on Wednesday by the government survey of the crown crisis in the Bundestag. Against too much ease. And against conspiracy stories.

The term conspiracy theory is the wrong term for sometimes general nonsense, a theory should have at least some basis. In the new phase, in which economic turmoil could intensify polarization and protests, one thing will be particularly in demand: open, honest, rationally explanatory communication, combined with vigorous intervention by security authorities against attempts, the foundation of democracy in the shadow of Weaken the crown pandemic.

Merkel announces patience in detail, promises that there will be no tax and tax increases at the moment, and ensures the safety of citizens’ savings. But the debate over possible pressure on pensions shows that nothing is certain.

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The issue of border openings

An important step is that Merkel, even after pressure from her own ranks, has quickly clarified the issue of opening borders and that these controversial measures in the Schengen area, even among scientists, will rise.

Because the state is compelled to give reasons, and the more courts compile individual crown measures, the more AfD “evidence” the imperial citizens and friends of the conspiracy could provide for their attacks. Therefore, the Chancellor may have to communicate even more, especially when face-to-face encounters are possible again, beyond well-orchestrated citizen dialogues.

But it is also the duty of every responsible citizen to democratically inform and discuss the correct way. The wrong way is to let yourself be dragged in front of the cars of those who want to undermine the state from within.

The coming weeks will be crucial in this double firefight. Merkel’s next test has just begun.
