Crown constraints: “Still not out of the ordinary”


On Monday, Chancellor Merkel and the country’s leaders want to reach a tentative conclusion on the partial lockdown. Quick relief warnings are piling up in advance. Not only the Minister of Economy, Altmaier, sees no change for the better.

Federal Finance Minister Peter Altmaier warned against loosening the crown’s restrictions too soon. Despite all efforts, no change for the better has yet been achieved. Infection figures are now even higher than two weeks ago, said “Bild am Sonntag” CDU politician.

He believes that the Germans will have to restrict themselves well beyond December. At least “in the next four to five months” one will have to live with considerable precautions and restrictions, according to Altmaier. He currently sees “little scope” to open restaurants and cinemas. The goal must be to sustainably break the wave of infections. “We cannot afford a yo-yo shutdown with the economy constantly opening and closing.”

Söder: “If you relax too early, you risk Christmas”

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder made a similar statement. Also, he currently sees no room for easing. “If you relax too early, you risk Christmas,” he told “Bild am Sonntag”. Instead, the CSU politician spoke out in favor of an extension or hardening of the measures: “We have to consider whether the previous measures are sufficient.”

Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer told the newspaper that he sees no basis for relaxation due to the high number of infections. His Baden-Württemberg counterpart Winfried Kretschmann was also not very optimistic about the “Augsburger Allgemeine” when it comes to rapid easing and warned: “If the numbers continue to increase exponentially, this will overwhelm hospitals.”

Since November 2, stricter restrictions have been applied to combat the pandemic. Based on advance planning, they must apply by the end of the month. On Monday, Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime ministers of the federal states want to take stock of the provisional video through video.

It has been obvious for a long time that this is probably not a relaxation. On Friday, federal government spokesman Steffen Seibert said that “given this state of affairs, no relaxation of restrictions is expected for Monday.”

Montgomery for more restrictions

The president of the World Medical Association, Frank Ulrich Montgomery, told the “Augsburger Allgemeine”: “If things continue as they are at the moment, we will have to struggle with massive staff problems and the worst of the bed shortage.”

You can see a flattening of the rise in new infections, but not a bend of the infection curve downward. “So, this is my forecast, we will have to talk more about additional restrictions than about easing,” he emphasized.

The federation of cities sees no reason to relax

The Association of Towns and Municipalities also spoke out against a too early relaxation. The number of infections is still too high and contact tracking is not successful across the board, CEO Gerd Landsberg told the “Funke Mediengruppe” newspapers.

The closure of gastronomy and culture is hard. But this is precisely what leads to a significant reduction in people-to-people contacts. It is important to explain the factual arguments for the necessity of the measures. “Only if we earn the trust of the people will we get through the winter safely.
