Crown closure: Seehofer wants to reopen hair salons soon


Germany Crown-Lockdown

“A real black market”: Seehofer wants to reopen hair salons soon

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Bundestag Bundestag

Horst Seehofer calls for hospitals, the elderly and nursing homes to be strictly protected

Source: dpa / Bernd von Jutrczenka

Horst Seehofer calls for smaller businesses like hair salons to reopen soon. “But we must withdraw those measures that obviously have no protective effect,” says the Interior Minister.

secondand Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) has spoken out in favor of reopening hair salons as soon as possible. “In the current situation, I am clearly in favor of an extension of the protection measures for the crown,” quoted the magazine “Spiegel” Seehofer on Friday. “But we should withdraw those measures that obviously do not have a protective effect.”

“A real black market” has developed among hairdressers, and more and more people cut their hair in other ways and without hygiene concepts. Seehofer was convinced that this was far more dangerous than allowing hairdressers to open with a strict hygiene concept.

It is important to strictly protect highly sensitive areas such as hospitals or nursing homes and for the elderly. “There can be no compromises here.”

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Schools must remain closed until a convincing pandemic concept is established. “Unfortunately, I don’t know of a single one of these countries so far,” criticized Seehofer. This is urgently needed and is long overdue.

Spahn: “Now we have the means to defeat the virus”

Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) called for a sense of proportion to get out of the blockade in Germany. Recent painstaking progress in the number of infections should not be dismissed lightly, he said in Berlin on Friday, again pointing to the risk of virus mutations. “If we gave these mutations a chance to spread, we risked another increase in the number of infections,” Spahn said. As soon as it can be opened, this should be done first in kindergartens and schools.

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Angela Merkel granted this Thursday an interview to the radio broadcasting group RTL

The Health Minister stressed: “We now have the means to defeat the virus, not immediately, but throughout the year.” Meanwhile, almost three million doses of vaccines have been administered and more than 800,000 citizens have already received the second dose. Almost 80 percent of nursing home residents have already received their first vaccination.

Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) will hold a consultation with the prime ministers of the federal states on Wednesday on how to proceed with the corona pandemic. The current hard lock is limited to February 14. It is not clear if it will spread or if it will relax for the first time. Although the number of corona infections is declining, there is also great fear of the spread of highly contagious virus variants.
