Crown closure: Schäuble warns: “Not everything has to go back to protect life”


Chancellor Angela Merkel has criticized individual federal states as “too energetic” for relaxation. Now the Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble speaks.

  • Germany has been in the shutdown for about a month.
  • Due to the Coronavirus * pandemic, strict contact blocks have been imposed in Germany.
  • The first relaxation will take effect on Monday, April 20. But just that day, Chancellor Angela Merkel is backing down, warning of a relapse. Critical voices ask about proportionality.
  • Here are some basic facts about the crown virus * and news from the German crown *. Also: case numbers like a card *.

Update April 27: In the debate on the protection of life and fundamental rights, the Prime Minister Armin Laschet of North Rhine-Westphalia (CDU) behind President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) asked. “Schäuble is right,” said Laschet on Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Tuesday edition). That already Proportionality requirement According to Laschet, the Basic Law requires a serious balance between the health risks and the damage caused by the blockade.

Laschet, who is pushing for crown restrictions to be eased more quickly, said that FACE, Epidemiologists and virologists are important advisers.but they would be out of theirs special perspective Contribute to decision making. “Good politics has to unite as many perspectives and perspectives as possible in an interdisciplinary way, to determine the consequences of decisions in all directions,” demanded the Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Schäuble measures on Corona: not everything has to withdraw from the protection of life

Update April 26: Given the enormous limitations of Fundamental rights at Crown crisis has president of the Bundestag Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) He warned not to subordinate everything to the protection of life in the Corona crisis. “When I hear that everything else has to give up the protection of life, I have to say: this is not correct at all,” said Schäuble Daily mirror.

If there were any absolute value in our basic law, it would be human dignity. “But it does not rule out that we have to die,” said the CDU politician. The state must guarantee the best possible medical care for all. “But people will continue to die of Corona,” said Schäuble.

Schäuble in Corona measures: “I don’t know what effects our actions have”

Schäuble also warned of a change in the mood of the population. “The longer it takes, the harder it is,” he emphasized. Health Minister Jens Spahn I am correct when he says that everyone still has a lot to learn from each other and maybe in a few weeks they will discover that we would have done some things better differently. “We all don’t know what the effects of our actions are, but the politicians have yet to act,” Schäuble continued.

Loosening of the crown: Schäuble not only wants to trust virologists

The way back from a standstill is much more difficult. “You must be careful step by step and be ready to learn. Some say that if it were too much, the loosening should be removed. “But getting it back would be much more difficult.

Schäuble warned against being alone Virologists leaving decisions “The enormous economic, social, psychological and other effects” would also have to be weighed. “Simply closing everything for two years would also have dire consequences.” Furthermore, given the economic consequences of the crown pandemic, Schäuble sees the danger of overloading the state’s ability to act and excessive levels of debt.

Crown closure: CDU President Röttgen skeptical of easing: “Great danger that …”

Update April 25, 2020: The The candidate for the presidency and foreign policy of the CDU, Norbert Röttgen is skeptical about the current easing of the crown measures: “I see a great danger that we have gone too far in implementation,” Röttgen told the Image.

“Only if the shutdown is successful Pandemic If we put it under control and keep it under control, we will get the social and health consequences that are difficult to bear, but also the economic consequences, under control ”, Röttgen warns.

He said he should continue to exercise caution and maintain the security strategy: “The most important thing is that we don’t weigh ourselves in the wrong security. I see a great danger that we have gone too far in implementation.”

“The pandemic is the source of the danger and the Off is the strategy. ” Röttgen He warns that there are too many people in the city centers when the stores reopen: “I am a hobbyist, of course, I fear that what we see now in terms of behavior may be reflected in the numbers in two weeks.”

However praised Chancellor Röttgen Merkel for her current political style: “The fact that the chancellor’s support and approval has increased enormously and is now so stable at a high level is due to the fact that the government has carried out good policies under her leadership.”

He likes clear and objective communication. Merkels: “This style of politics finds acceptance, it has created enormous confidence. We can be encouraged to wait for the reality of the citizens. “

Crown closure: gastro opening already in late May? Saxony

Update from 9:31 p.m.:
Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer It has one Restaurants reopened The end May for conceivable. Gastronomy needs perspectives, said the CDU politicians Friday night on the “ARD Extra” program for Crown crisis. “It is not possible now. But by the end of May I am definitely considering this here in the Free State of Saxony,” said Kretschmer. Always in the context that the infection numbers are manageable, he added.

Kretschmer don’t feel criticized for Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) addressed, whose implementation has been decided in part by the federal and state governments Relaxation measures criticized for restrictions. One had kept the measure and the means. “People and retailers need perspective. We want to give it to them, “emphasized the Prime Minister.

“We were all very disciplined among ourselves. We put out this fire, so we avoid worse, “said the CDU politicians further away People are reasonable. “We worked it out together.” Now you have to “normalize with the virus” as long as there is none The vaccine give. If you find that the infections “skyrocket,” the measures will drop out a bit.

Update from 7.25 a.m.: For your “too much research” statement (see below) Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) More criticism. FDP Vice President Wolfgang Kubicki now you even accuse “presumption of office”. Neither the chancellor nor the federal government is responsible for combating the virus at the site, said Bundestag vice president
Passauer Neue Press. This is a matter for the health authorities of the countries. Merkel’s public appearance on this issue borders on the “presumption of office,” Kubicki said.

For him, however, it is The time has come for more relaxation: The “massive deterioration of fundamental rights” could no longer be maintained. The restrictions were imposed because excessive demands on the health system should be avoided. “Currently there is no danger,” said the FDP politician. Specifically, it required that all stores be reopened as long as “package formation” can be avoided.

Until now, the federal and state governments have been able to count on the enormous support of the population. However, acceptance of stringent coronavirus measures is slowly declining. This is the result of a new dimap Ifratest survey on April 24.

Corona: After Merkel’s criticism of relaxation, cities demand a “clear perspective”

April 24 update: According to the chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) only May 6 over others Loosening of the crown be decided German city day however, it requires a “clear perspective” for this. It is true that “too fast” should not be used, said the president of the city Burkhard Jung the newspapers of the Funke Media Group. But there have to be concrete perspectives to open Children’s parks give.

Jung said the debate should be held because the restrictions are strong. If the federal government and the federal states opted for certain relief measures or against them, they would have to “say in concrete terms what objectives and standards they are based on.”

Merkel criticizes “investigating” Corona loosening – Schwesig reacts

Merkel had one Government statement The first easing was implemented in the federal states as “too much research” and against a setback in the fight against Pandemic She did not specify which countries she was referring to.

The Prime Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Manuela Schwesig (SPD)She said she felt “nothing” about Merkel’s criticism. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania It is the state with the lowest coronavirus infections and is now “step-by-step opening ways again,” he said on the Internet program. Live image.

Corona: Merkel only wants to advise on the relaxation of measures later than expected

9:29 pm:

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) wants to discuss with the Prime Minister again in May the relaxation of the crown measures in Germany. “We had an appointment for April 30 and there is a lot to discuss,” Merkel said in Berlin on Thursday night. But the statements about how the reopening of the stores works, “we can only do 14 days later.”

The first stores would have opened on Monday, the last one would open a week later. “Then we can discuss these questions on May 6,” said Merkel. “But there will also be other questions to discuss.” So, suppose there will be a telephone switch on April 30 and another the following week.

Update April 23, 8.09 a.m.: Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) sustains the harsh criticism of the chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) in the discussion on further relaxation of the Corona excess requirements. “Of course, there is a discussion on the correct way to open it carefully,” said the Vice Chancellor. The heads of state are “good discussion partners for the federal government.” Merkel had “Opening discussion orgies” said, on Thursday he said the nation was on “thinner ice.”

Scholz said: “We can say quite frankly that we are in a dilemma.” The main objective remains not to overwhelm the health system, at the same time that social and economic life must start again. Scholz once again praised countries: “Flexibility is well coordinated and there are no mosaics.” However, he warned: “The danger has not yet been avoided and any easing will have an effect.”

Corona: Angela Merkel warns of another closure – criticism by fellow scolding

Update April 21, 9:09 a.m.: Chancellor Angela Merkel have Monday “Opening discussion orgies” exceptionally severely criticized in some federal states. For this reason, the chancellor must now face not only a protest from the press, but also criticism from all ranks of politics, including her own party. Union parliamentary group deputy Carsten Linnemann said on RTL’s “early start” on Tuesday: “On the contrary: I think this country needs a debate about it.” . That belongs to Democracy and it just came up Confidence in politics.

Still remains Linnemann himself in Merkel’s course and criticizes the different ways of relaxing trade in individual federal states. Large furniture stores were opened in some countries despite the restriction on expansion to 800-square-meter stores. “This is called distortion of competition. You don’t think it would be correct if there were” clear hygiene rules, distance rules and mask requirements in stores “and everyone could open it,” regardless of the number of square meters, “said Linnemann. .

Chancellor Merkels’ “opening discussion chancellor” statement was awkward, but she is right about that, says Christian Deutschländer. The federal government is planning the next anti-crown package. In another industry in Germany there are now crown loosening.

Corona: Merkel warns of another shutdown: “orgies” statement flies around her ears

Update April 20, 7.30 p.m.: FDP Chief Christian Lindner has the attitude of the chancellor Angela Merkelto Daily restrictions hold on, criticized. “I am firmly convinced that health protection is possible today with other means than in previous weeks,” Lindner told the image.

Although he respected the chancellor’s decision, he wanted to emphasize that there was no alternative. “Not only do we have healthcare capabilities, we don’t just have more More expensive and protective equipment. Above all, we have a population that is more sensitive. ”Given the need for protection concepts, the head of the FDP speaks in favor of them. Opening of catering establishments. outside

Crown: FDP chief Lindner rebukes Chancellor Merkel for her “” statement

Lindner also did not like the chancellor’s choice of words. Angela Merkel had of “Discussion orgies“He spoke about the measures in the population. “The Federal Constitutional Court has already criticized official decisions against the assemblies in individual cases,” Lindner said. “At a time when even the Constitutional Court asks questions about proportionality, there is no orgy when you also express doubts about why and to what extent all of this is necessary in this way.”

Update 3:53 p.m.: This ends the short Press conference The chancellor. Angela Merkel thanks the representatives of the press who are present and leaves the room.

Corona: Merkel explains declaration of “discussion orgies” – calls for “consistency and discipline”

Update 3:44 p.m.: “What exactly are you concerned about?” The Chancellor is asked. You are under the impression that a discussion has started since last Wednesday, which provides assurance that has not yet been provided. One should not jeopardize the successful path that Germany has taken thus far. How the chancellor feels Angela Merkel he is committed to bringing his position to the discussion. His comment on the “opening discussion orgies” was a warning.

“Very thin ice”: Angela Merkel with clear warnings to the Germans

Update 3.42 p.m.: You keep walking on thin ice, Merkel says when asked about her statements about the “opening discussion orgies.” They understand that there is an urgent desire in the population to return to normal daily life. However, the prudent path is now the correct path. If the number of infections increases significantly again, tougher measures would have to be introduced again. A new closure would be inevitable, says Merkel. “Preventing a setback is not just in the interest of fighting the pandemic, but also in the interest of the economy and a return to our normal social life.”

Update 3:37 p.m.: “I will not fail to point out that we must continue to be consistent and disciplined “the Chancellor repeated, naming precise tracking of infection chains as the most important step in the future. Therefore, the federal and state governments will take more steps to support health authorities. Relaxation without better detection of infected people will not improve, the chancellor concludes her short speech.

Crown Germany: Merkel speaks live in Berlin – “We must not weigh even a second in security”

Update 3:33 p.m .: The scope that individual federal states have to implement the Measurements must be implemented as strictly as possible, requires the Chancellor. The consequences of the reopening of the stores would only be evident in 14 days. Therefore, one must remain careful when deciding on additional measures. The main objective is to prevent the health system from being overloaded.

Now Merkel is talking about the crown crisis in Germany.

Update 3:31 p.m .: Angela Merkel now speaks at the Federal Chancellery. “We must not weigh even a second in security” says the chancellor, requiring citizens to be vigilant and disciplined. “The situation we have now is misleading”Angela Merkel adds. Germany now needs the strength to take stricter and stricter measures, Merkel said, summarizing the results of the press conference last Wednesday.

Update, 3:27 p.m.: Chancellor Angela Merkel wants to appear in front of the press at the chancery at 3:30 p.m. Initial information about the Chancellor’s announcements has already been leaked. Sick leave due to colds is on the Crown crisis now it is still possible, even by phone. This was announced by the chairman of the Joint Federal Committee for Health Care, Josef Hecken. Chancellor Merkel had requested this, as well as numerous medical representatives.

Update, 1:03 p.m .: Parallel to Press conference by Jens Spahn now he also informs Steffen Seibert in the IGC on the current situation of Corona in Germany. Therefore Chancellor Merkel From 3.30 p.m., report at another press conference on the Crown Cabinet talks.

So far, about 1.7 million people have undergone a crown test. So far, about 229 patients have been brought to Germany from abroad for treatment. Until now, patients have been admitted from Italy, France and the Netherlands.

Corona virus: Jens Spahn reports loosening

Update 12.51 p.m .: Health ministers are also getting wet before the cabinet meeting on Monday Jens Spahn (CDU) Hopes for further relaxation of the crown measures. The decisive parameters for future action by the Federal Republic in relation to the crown crisis are that the public health service and medical capabilities can cope with the consequences of the virus pandemic.

Do you have that Coronavirus pandemic * He is currently well controlled in Germany and can understand the chains of infection, says Spahn. But this traceability must also occur for a greater number of cases. That is why the federal government wants to give the federal states a personal update, and a financial support program for the digital area. € 150,000 must be made available for all regional health services in the short term and without complications. These measures are intended to help ensure that the number of infections does not increase uncontrollably despite loosening.

Merkel attacks her colleagues on the phone in an exceptional way: the chancellor fears the second wave

Update 11:59 a.m.: “We have not yet succeeded,” Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) is said to have said of the coronavirus pandemic at a CDU Presidium change conference. The chancellor had harshly criticized her colleagues in the conversation and warned of a relapse.

As the German press agency reports, citing groups of participants, the chancellor pledges to strengthen health authorities. Therefore, Merkel emphasized: “Our scope is very small.” In some federal states, the Relaxation of the measures. since Monday April 20, but apparently already discussed new block openings. The chancellor is obviously bitter. I was very concerned that the proper development of corona infections would be reversed because very few people would comply with the contact restrictions. The discussion about relaxation was not helpful.

More discussions on flexibilization were postponed Merkel accordingly on the date scheduled for this on April 30. Then the federal and state governments should start the next negotiations on how to proceed. However, the most important thing is how it looks a week later. Only on May 8 or 9 will you have an overview of how to make progress in the economy and how it looks in schools. Merkel should also be in the Contact rules insist I had made it clear that I trusted everyone to adhere to the existing rules. However, the chancellor is skeptical in this regard.

Coronavirus: Merkel fears a relapse – “We still haven’t made it”

Hesse Prime Minister and CDU Vice President Volker Bouffier as well as CDU Vice President Julia Klöckner criticized the procedure in the Rhineland-Palatinate led by the SPDwhere zoos and shopping malls should reopen. The SPD also allowed the party events to take place there again.

NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet, who is also CDU federal vice president, advocated for the greatest relaxation in his state according to this information. North Rhine-Westphalia is the land of kitchen builders, Laschet said, among other things. Other participants said Laschet was fundamentally supportive of Merkel. The state government of North Rhine-Westphalia had announced, among other things, that the first step was to go further Furniture stores and specialized baby stores. leave open According to a report by the German publishing network, Laschet at the exchange conference also opposed Bavaria’s plans, among others, to reduce the value-added tax for the catering trade.

Other participants in the CDU deliberations said the strict restrictions now followed in some countries “Race for relaxation measures”. Caution should be exercised here, but country-specific solutions must still be possible. However, each country had to better justify the criteria for its decisions; otherwise, acceptance would decrease and one would become reckless. Political leadership is necessary because it is more difficult to find the right time to reduce restrictions than it is to organize strict restrictions in real danger.

At 3.30 p.m., Merkel wantsCorona Cabinet “ to make a declaration

But the signs are in the marathon coronavirus pandemic: before there is no vaccine *, it seems the tenor, you cannot easily think of an unrestricted opening.

Coronavirus: Merkel attacks her colleagues on the phone exceptionally abruptly

Update 10:22 a.m.: Chancellor Angela Merkel apparently concerned about them Coronavirus pandemic. Above all, he is concerned with waning discipline when it comes to complying with crown protection measures. The first relaxation of the measures will apply from Monday, but the blocking of contacts, the rules on the distance between citizens and other protection measures are still essential, according to the Chancellor, according to information from the AFP.

So is Merkel Currently “skeptical” and “concerned”. Merkel was said to have the impression that only the loosening was being discussed.

Similarly, he said: now it depends first of all on how the situation will develop before April 30, if the current Protection provisions fugue The date of May 8 or 9 is even more important: only until then will it be clear how the economy is going and how school education will continue. Federal Economic Minister Peter Altmaier previously called for more unity in the crown crisis.

On Monday at 11 a.m., Merkel wants to meet with the ministers in Crown Cabinet advise on the current situation. However, no new consequences are planned, Merkel said, according to information in the CDU Presidium.

Virus crowns in Germany: Merkel attacks colleagues on the phone with an exceptionally sharp attack

First report of April 20:

Berlin – chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has exceptionally strongly criticized the discussions about further easing restrictions on the fight against coronavirus *. According to information from the participants’ German press agency, Merkel made clear at a CDU Presidium change conference on Monday how dissatisfied she was that the cautious relief message in some countries had led to “opening discussion orgies.” . This greatly increases the risk of relapse.

She is very concerned that the good development in the Crown infections Merkel made it clear again, because very few people would comply with the contact restrictions. The discussion about relaxation was not helpful.

Closure in Germany: Merkel criticizes “opening discussion orgies”

Federal and state governments had last Wednesday after almost four weeks. Forced rest agreed that starting this Monday the reopening of small and medium-sized companies with an area of ​​up to 800 square meters will be allowed. The details depend on the industry and the state. In the first countries, school should start again on Monday and the following days for the final classes. The strict contact and distance rules must continue to apply at least until May 3. We have summarized for you what changes from April 20 and what remains.

In Bavaria, however, there were free voter calls for a mask requirement. Counters to Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) live * at a press conference.

Bavaria is the third federal state to introduce a mask requirement: we explain the background.

* is part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital.

Image of the rubric list: © AFP / TOBIAS SCHWARZ
