Crown checks on private apartments: Karl Lauterbach outraged with radical proposal


  • Thomas Konnerth

    sinceThomas konnerth

    to turn off

SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach is calling for checks on private apartments and houses in light of the drastic number of corona infections.

  • Karl Lauterbach sees Germany shortly before a second lockdown.
  • SPD health expert calls Control S in private rooms.
  • The triggers are the increasing ones Covid-19 infections * in Germany.

Munich – The SPD politician Karl Lauterbach He is considered the clear health expert of the Social Democrats. The 57-year-old is firmly committed to a Breakwater blocking ein: “We need a break, a kind of breakwater blockade. We have to get out of exponential growth again, otherwise in three weeks we will be back to where we were in spring, only then we will face a long winter and we will have to enter a complete lockdown. ” Specifically, it is a concept in which it will close most facilities across the country for two weeks, including restaurants, bars, clubs and gyms.

SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach cautions against classroom teaching in schools. This could become a “wide spread event” in the fall and winter. (File image)

© Picture Alliance / dpa / Kay Nietfeld

Karl Lauterbach calls for controls in private apartments and closure of breakwaters

To avoid a scenario where intensive care beds are lacking due to the coronavirus and Infection numbers go up, Lauterbach calls for a massive reduction in contacts in the coming weeks. To do this, the SPD politician suggests that Contact restrictions also in private rooms reviewed will be. Compared to the Rheinische Mail Lauterbach said: “We are in a national emergency that could be worse than spring. The inviolability of the apartment should no longer be an argument for the lack of controls. “

In a Emergency shutdown contact with other human beings would largely take place in private space. Now private celebrations a large part of the climb Corona infections * attributed. Lauterbach says: “If private celebrations in apartments and houses endanger public health and therefore security, the authorities must be able to intervene.” After harsh criticism, the politician has already somewhat deactivated his statement on Twitter. Lauterbach wrote there: “I refuse to let the police or law enforcement officers search the apartments. The private house remains completely protected. However, we must urgently call on citizens to avoid any private celebration now. “

Corona lockdown scenarios: Lauterbach calls for a breakwater from Chancellor Merkel

The health expert sees Germany only ten to 15 days behind the surrounding countries, where there are sometimes significantly more corona infections than in Germany. With provisional blocking and prevention private celebrations would like Lauterbach prevent this development and, at the same time, keep schools and care centers open for as long as possible. The current Corona summit shows what additional measures will be decided at the federal level. (tko) * is part of the Ippen-Digital network.

Rubriklistenbild: © picture alliance / dpa / Kay Nietfeld
