Crown Calendar until the end of 2020: Countries agree to these rules


The next crown summit of the federal and state governments is approaching. Even before the meeting with Chancellor Merkel, the 16 prime ministers agreed on uniform demands. Expect the partial lockdown to tighten before Christmas. Financial aid and new testing strategies are also planned.

The federal states agreed to extend the partial blockade until December 20, but also to relax contact restrictions on Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Before consultations with Chancellor Angela Merkel, the document available to says that the rules of contact before and after the holidays should be stricter. At the regional level, however, there may be an opportunity to relax the rules if the number of new infections falls below the incidence of 50 new infections.

The 16 prime ministers of the federal states thus agreed on a common line for negotiations with the federal government on new crown measures. The chancellor will finally make a government statement in the Bundestag on Thursday. On December 15, the federal and state governments will debate how to proceed.

The updated measures in the summary:

  • Should be meet up to five people from up to two households permitted. Children up to 14 years old are exempt from this. Schleswig-Holstein does not want to support this strict restriction and continues to allow private meetings with up to ten people.
  • Exception: Christmas days must be considered separately. From December 23, 2020 to January 1, 2021 meet a maximum of ten people permitted. Here too the restriction to two households has been removed. Children up to 14 years old are also not counted.
  • Federal and state governments want to deal with religious communities Religious services talk. Big events should be avoided.
  • In New Year’s fireworks should be avoided be. The lighting of fireworks should be prohibited in crowded places, public fireworks are prohibited. However, the sale of fireworks should not be prohibited in general.
  • Employers should check whether company vacation from December 23, 2020 to January 1, 2021 are possible, if necessary “generous home office solutions” closing.
  • If the regional incidence falls to “significantly less” than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days, the openings can be made gradually. However, the principle of avoiding contact must continue to apply. Outdoor events, for example, should take precedence over indoor events.
  • Childcare facilities too Schools should definitely stay openAccording to the agreement of the country’s leaders, this is “of the utmost importance.” In regions with high incidence, oral and nasal protection should be mandatory from the seventh grade. This can also be introduced for the younger classes. For older age groups, other measures should be considered, such as hybrid lessons, that is, participation in lessons via live streaming.
  • In Schools should increasingly use rapid antigen teststo discover chains of infection. Testing capabilities will be ensured by the federal government. A suspicious quarantine should last for five days, then the decision is also made to resume classes using a rapid antigen test. Students who test positive will be retested for readmission after three days.
  • Pro People in need of care receive 20 rapid tests per week. In addition, special protective measures should be taken for hospitals, nursing homes, facilities for the elderly and the disabled. For this group, the federal government will issue FFP2 masks “for a small contribution” starting in December.
  • the Home quarantine must be established within ten days in all federal states.. Quarantine time can be shortened by testing support with the help of the largest number of rapid antigen tests available.
  • the financial aid from the crown for companies, the self-employed, associations and institutions will remain. The economic sectors, which foreseeably continue to have “important restrictions in their commercial operations”, will be supported by the federal government under Bridging Aid III until mid-2021.
  • Countries commit to establish vaccination centers and structures on time, the federal government must also support the states with staff. Delivery of the vaccine is expected in December.
  • the Use the mouth and nose covering in closed public spaces it is still mandatory. This also applies to places open to the public that are restricted by the federal states.