Crown / Austria: Briefly with a series of loosenings – mask requirement will be extended


Austria began relaxation in the Corona crisis. The first will apply from May, including the exit restriction. All developments in the news ticker.

Update May 1, 3:43 p.m.: Starting this Friday, request it in the neighboring country of Germany Austria none Exit restrictions More Among other things, the ban on entering public places ends. Starting May 2, all stores and almost all service providers, such as hairdressers, can reopen. On May 15 the restaurants will continue.

However, there are also some Changes with existing rules These are quite interesting for Germany: Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder in particular has repeatedly emphasized that it is taking place in Austria follow closely as the country is just two weeks ahead of the crown crisis. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that Chancellor Kurz’s innovations are also considered in Germany.

After the end of exit restrictions on May 1, one is still valid in Austria Distance rule of one Meters. Furthermore, the Mask requirement expanded: Now generally applied when entering public places in locked roomshow reported.

Also, events with a maximum of ten participants are now allowed. These include sports and cultural events, as well as weddings. At funerals, up to 30 people are allowed. However, according to the report, these rules do not explicitly affect events in the private sector.

Coronavirus in Austria: exit restrictions lifted – new regulations from May 1

Update May 1, 9.25 a.m.: After the weeks Exit restrictions Due to the crown pandemic in Austria, people now have to no more valid reason Show to leave the apartment. The Distance rules to people who do not live in their own home, however, they still apply in public. This applies to public transportation. Minimal distanceif it can be met A mask should still be worn to protect the mouth and nose in local traffic and when shopping.

Also, the maximum allowed in public space ten Meeting people together, for example, yoga classes in the parks are allowed again. At funerals now they are up 30 participants permitted.

To date, around 15,000 cases of positive crown have been detected in the Alpine Republic

580 dead

Austria has a relatively low figure.

Sweden, on the other hand, follows its own path in the Corona crisis. After much criticism, it is now surprising that Sweden received praise for the Corona course from the WHO leadership. *

Virus crowns in Austria: “The consent of the population begins to crumble”

Update April 30, 8:04 pm: The number of infections in Austria has recently decreased, so the government resigned Chancellor Sebastián Kurz (ÖVP) Also known some loosening.

A completely clean crown is not associated with this, so various measures, such as one, continue Mask requirement Endure. How do the Austrian population deal with the current balancing act between returning to normal and keeping the rules?

One current survey He concludes that alpine inhabitants are very important to the former.

The poll was conducted by the Gallup Polling Institute. Managing Director Andrea Fronaschütz explains to Kronenzeitung: “Die Population approval. how the government is dealing with the crisis remains highit is currently 78 percent, at the end of March 91, Red) But you begins to fall apart – as well as the will to renounce the rights of freedom for the common good ”. In Germany there are similar results.

According to the data, only one in two people in Austria is afraid of contracting the coronavirus (54 percent). At the end of March, three out of four respondents (74 percent) expressed this concern. The number of those who believe that the risk of a pandemic is exaggerated has increased significantly (from 21 to 31 percent).

Crown in Austria: the couple was in the clinic for 39 days; now there are new details on the state of health

Update April 30, 3:32 p.m.: Positive news Innsbruck. An elderly couple from Tirol were released from the university clinic on Thursday. The two became infected with the Corona virus and therefore I had the last 39 days at Corona special station pass the hospital it’s a 90 years old Man and his 83 years old Wife

In both, the disease took a fairly mild course. “You have been with us since the opening of our ward, and of course there is a certain connection,” nursing manager Stefan Pirchner told Kronen-Zeitung.

Coronavirus in Austria: new infections in the country are currently low

Update April 30, 10:34 a.m.: Currently in Austria 1,961 cases of coronavirus (As of 10:00 a.m.), announced the Ministry of Health. 500 patients currently have to be treated in the hospital. So far, a total of 15,387 people have tested positive for Covid-19. 555 people died.

Since new infections are currently low, Austria will loosen its strict crown rules from May 1. The exit restriction is lifted. Everyone can come out. However, a minimum distance of one meter must be maintained. The mask requirement for shopping and public transportation remains.

Public events with a maximum of ten participants are allowed, such as a yoga class in the park. Up to 30 people can attend funerals.

Update April 29, 10:20 p.m.: Chancellor Sebastián Kurz (ÖVP) have government help for the German Lufthansa at Crown crisis through Austria subject to strict conditions.

Corona Virus in Austria: brief support for Lufthansa is conditional

Background: In September 2019, Lufthansa was in deficit Austrian Airlines Acquired for 166 million euros, since then it has been the subsidiary of the largest European airline.

“The owner is the Lufthansa, a German company. So we like to start discussions, “he said. In summary in an interview with PULSE 24 with a view to economic damage to Austrian Airlines by Coronavirus pandemic“But we have very clear conditions, very clear interests: that is the location of Austria. These are the Austrian employees there. And that is the question of what advantages the Republic has of potential support.”

German Lufthansa subsidiaries: Austrian Airlines.

© dpa / Unknown

What he could rule out, the 33-year-old head of government further stated, “that there is financial support for a German company with no benefits for the Republic of austria will give “.

At least he didn’t rule out participating in a relief package.

Crown crisis in Austria: will the border with Germany be reopened?

First report of April 29: Austria want to close the border Germany open again soon.

That explained the Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) in an interview with Live image. While exit restrictions continue to apply, especially in southern Germany, the head of government resigns. Vienna the next step towards greater normality in the Crown crisis in.

Coronavirus pandemic in Austria: from relaxation to opening of the border

“In our opinion, it is possible to close the border in the foreseeable future Germany, but also to other neighboring countries, where development is equally good. If the situation in Germany and Austria it’s the same, so it really doesn’t matter if someone moves within Germany or Austria and vice versa, “he explained In summary in the live online interview, and said, “This is really very obvious.”

Chancellor of the Republic of Austria: Sebastian Kurz (left).

© dpa / Ronald Schlager

It is also obvious that behind Austria’s efforts to tackle the crown virus is a look at its own tourism industry: 60 percent of all guests in the Alpine Republic come from Federal Republic of Germany.

Virus crowns Austria: briefly contradicts German Foreign Minister Maas

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) had recently warned of similar Vienna suggestions against a “European race” in the tourism sector. Can In summary Apparently I don’t get it.

“So there can be no dazzling competition,” said the only 33-year-old chancellor in the Image: “We will close the borders of all the countries that pose a threat to us.”

pm with dpa and AFP material

* is part of the network of Ippen-Digital publishers from all over Germany

Image of rubric list: © dpa / Andy Wenzel
