Crown and death: the pathologist explains the two ways of dying from Covid-19 – health


Swiss pathologist Dr. Kirsten Mertz autopsied dozens of crown patients with his colleagues. According to his own information, his team at the Basel University Hospital and the Basel Cantonal Hospital were even one of the first in the world to examine deceased patients with Covid-19.

A find: there are two ways to die for Corona.

The newspaper “Blick” said that Dr. Kirsten Mertz: “You can distinguish two groups of patients. The first group dies at an early stage due to an enormously high viral load in the lungs. Unfortunately, the immune system cannot suppress the virus. ”

However, the lung tissue from these corona deaths is said to have been largely intact. “In the second group, however, it looks very different,” says Dr. Mertz. “The body of these patients can initially defeat the virus, but then you can see massive damage to the lungs and other organs. These patients only die after several days or weeks. “

The body reacts too violently to the intruder, so the pathologist. Then the virus may go away, but the inflammation destroys the tissue and organs. The doctor’s comparison: “It’s like when the dentist removes all your teeth because you have cavities. Then tooth decay disappears, but so do the teeth. “

The severity of the course of the Covid disease depends, in addition to factors such as previous illnesses and age, also on the amount of virus that is obtained from an infection, says Dr. Mertz. It also says: “The coronavirus was and is a killer. This will also be the case in the future. There were slight mutations, but overall the virus itself has not changed much.”

A result of research published in the journal “Nature Communications”: patients in the early course would have to be treated more with antiviral drugs like remdesivir and broad-acting anti-inflammatory drugs. The use of Remdesivir is allowed in Germany and Europe. The case fatality rate in this country is around 2.84 percent. In other countries it is significantly higher.

Map: Infected and on the rise in Europe since early October - Infographic

