Crown aid for Islamic extremists: “gang approach”


Germany “Gang focus”

Crown aid for Islamic extremists and terrorist financing

Nikolaus doll

Corona aid detained: affected person reports what this means to him

Due to fraud notices, most of the crown aid payments have been stopped. The scammers have reportedly stolen several million euros using false information.

In at least three cases, there are indications that Corona’s aid was used to finance terrorism in war zones in the Middle East. In Berlin alone there are already investigations against more than 60 people and mosque associations.

DCorona emergency aid from the federal government has also been delivered to Islamist extremists, according to information from WELT AM SONNTAG. “In individual cases there is a suspicion of direct financing of terrorism,” Berlin police authorities told this newspaper.

State security and prosecutors are conducting more than a hundred investigations in the capital against some 60 people, mosque associations and associations belonging to the Islamist spectrum. Authorities are verifying whether and to what extent Corona’s unclaimed emergency aid has been collected.

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Investigators speak of a “gang approach.” In at least three cases, there are indications that Corona’s aid was used to finance terrorism in war zones in the Middle East. In addition, members of the Salafist and anti-Semitic association Jama’atu, which was recently banned by the Berlin Senate, and Ahmad Armih, known as a preacher of hatred, have received help from the crown. Here there is also the suspicion of grant fraud. The killer from the Berlin Christmas market on Breitscheidplatz, Anis Amri, frequented Jama’atu.

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In total, the total damage in all the cases processed is around one million euros. 250,000 euros have already been seized in the course of the searches. The State Criminal Police Office (LKA) had searched several mosques, mosque association offices and private apartments in Berlin with a large number of investigators. Grant fraud is punishable by imprisonment for up to five years, in serious cases up to ten years.

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