Criticism of the federal government’s vaccination strategy grows


meA week after the start of corona vaccines in Germany, criticism of the federal government’s strategy is mounting. A member of the National Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina, accused the grand coalition of serious failures in obtaining the vaccine. SPD health politician Karl Lauterbach also sees clear deficits. The vice chairman of the SPD parliamentary group, Dirk Wiese, harshly attacked the Health Minister: “I am currently horrified by Jens Spahn,” he told the t-online news portal. The CDU politician must “finally get his job done and have the obvious problems under control immediately.”

The scolded again rejected the criticism. “It’s going exactly as planned,” Spahn told “RTL Aktuell” broadcaster. 1.3 million doses of vaccine had been delivered to the federal states at the end of the year, by the end of January there would be a total of 4 million, as it had been announcing for weeks “with the indication that at the beginning it would be scarce and that is why you have to prioritize “. Spahn promised that all nursing home residents could get vaccinated in January.

The Robert Koch Institute announced Saturday that about 188,500 vaccines against the corona virus had already been reported. The vaccinated population includes residents of nursing homes and medical personnel with a very high risk of infection, as well as personnel caring for the elderly. In some cases, reports from federal states are transmitted to the institute late, so the actual figures could be significantly higher.

“Serious failure of those responsible”

In his opinion, Germany and Europe could be further away with vaccines, said SPD politician Lauterbach. Very little Biontech vaccine was ordered and very little from the American company Moderna. “From the beginning it was clear that the Moderna vaccine had a very strong effect and could be used in general practitioner practices,” Lauterbach said. Due to the small amount requested, the Moderna vaccine will likely play no role even if it is approved soon. The federal government expects this vaccine to be approved on January 6. The EU had ordered 300 million doses of vaccines from Biontech and initially 160 million from Moderna.

Neurologist Frauke Zipp, a member of Leopoldina, said: “I consider the current situation to be a great failure of those responsible.” There were offers of more vaccine doses in the summer and from Biontech in the late summer. “Now we have it available,” Zipp said of the “world.” La Leopoldina is one of the most important advisers to the government.

“If I had already asked 60 percent of the population to companies that were already promising at that time, such as Biontech, Curevac, Moderna, Astra-Zeneca and others, in the summer for 60 percent of the population each, to Germany around 100 million cans at around € 20 each, so that would have cost Germany around € 10 billion, “Zipp said. Many of the vaccines are even significantly cheaper:” That’s nothing compared to the sums you have to spend to support the economy. Not to mention the lives that could be saved with early and rapid vaccination. “
