Criticism of the Crown’s measures: “Disappointing and risky”


It happened as it should, because the crown numbers do not allow anything other than an extension of the measurements. Criticism of the federal and state government resolutions comes from many sides, for example from commerce and the teachers union.

The federal and state governments have received criticism from various sides for their resolutions in the fight against the corona pandemic. City Council President Burkhard Jung lamented the lack of foresight of decision-makers. “We would have liked clarity in the cities for a longer period of time,” the mayor of Leipzig said in the newspapers of the Funke media group. People need a perspective. It is painful that the partial blockade has to continue, said the SPD politician, but the situation of the crown “currently does not allow anything else.” He hoped “that after the start of vaccinations, the first easing at the national level will be possible as soon as the infection rate allows.”

The German Association of Cities and Municipalities considers that the extension of the “closing light” is the appropriate measure, but at the same time speaks of a severe restriction for people. The federal government, states and municipalities would have to explain the rules and their adaptation over and over again depending on the infection process and publicize acceptance and understanding, said the association’s executive director Gerd Landsberg of the “Rheinische Post.” “Without the consent of the majority of the people, we will lose the fight against the pandemic.”

Criticism of decisions about schools

The decisions of the director of the teachers association, Heinz-Peter Meidinger, do not go far enough either. In principle, it is to be appreciated that “at least a minimal consensus has been reached on the toughening of hygiene protection measures,” Meidinger of the “Rheinische Post” said. However, the association would have advocated for the mandatory face mask in the classroom from the fifth grade and, if the incidence is high, also for elementary students, Meidinger said. “We also welcome the fact that you can now organize alternate lessons in hotspot areas starting in year 8 and thus reintroduce the distance rule.” The problem is that implementation is only an optional rule and the incidence value of 200 is four times higher than the Robert Koch Institute recommendation.

The president of the education and science union (GEW), Marlis Tepe, called the resolutions for the school sector “disappointing and risky”. She told the publishing network in Germany that she would have liked more decisions about alternate lessons, that is, the division of classes into groups of students who are then taught alternately at home and at school.

Concern for medical professionals

SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach expressed doubts about the effectiveness of the decided corona measures. It cannot be ruled out that Christmas and New Year’s Eve “will be a starting point for the pandemic,” says the doctor from the Funke media group. “In fact, it is risky that we loosen the restrictions for Christmas and New Year’s Eve.” However, the population may not accept stricter rules for this period. It all depends on how sensitive the population behaves. He estimates that at least 6,000 people will die at Christmas. “You will no longer celebrate Christmas with us. Everyone should think about that and take it into account.”

Medical representatives warned of the collapse of the clinics through risky celebrations on New Year’s Eve. “What’s possible at Christmas doesn’t have to apply to New Year’s Eve,” says Marburger Bund Physicians Union President Susanne Johna of the Funke media group. Larger meetings in closed rooms are primarily the cause of infection when it comes to alcohol. It is better to celebrate the New Year in a smaller group. The stress in the clinics due to the pandemic is already high and will be in four weeks, warns Johna. The president of the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (DIVI) expressed his concern about the German publishing network.

Warning voices from commerce and industry

The trade association HDE criticized the new regulation of the sales area for stores. Chancellor Angela Merkel and the country’s leaders agreed to allow a maximum of one person for every 10 square meters in stores with a sales area of ​​up to 800 square meters. For larger stores, a maximum of one person per 20 square meters of sales area is allowed to use the additional space. The trade association considers this tiered concept to be nonsense. There is no objective reason to issue different rules for sales areas above and below 800 square meters, Chief Executive Stefan Genth said. Hygiene concepts have proven themselves in both small and large rooms. “The new regulation could also be counterproductive if queues form in front of stores and in city centers.”

From the point of view of the BDI industry association, federal and state government resolutions will further affect economic activity and consumer sentiment for the remainder of the year. “This will initially affect the temporary economic recovery next year,” said association president Dieter Kempf. “The air is getting thinner for more and more entrepreneurs in winter.”

The trade association ZDH welcomed the fact that the federal and state governments have promised “December aid” for the period of the prolonged partial lockdown. “However, action must be taken quickly after this announcement,” demanded the president of the Central Association for German Crafts (ZDH), Hans Peter Wollseifer. For many artisan companies that are affected directly or in the medium term by the now expanded closure regulations, the situation is notably worse: “They urgently need support to survive this period and to be able to maintain their operations.”
