Criticism of the blockade of the EU budget: “It is not time for vetoes”


After Hungary and Poland vetoed the EU budget package, the German government called on both countries to end their blockade. The exclusion of the Hungarian Fidesz is also being discussed in the European People’s Party.

The federal government has asked Hungary and Poland to abandon their lockdown on the EU budget and the Corona aid fund.

This is not the time for vetoes, but for swift action in a spirit of solidarity, said European Minister of State Michael Roth before meeting with his EU colleagues. Citizens of all EU Member States were supported. In the end, people in Europe would have to pay a high price for the blockade if the financial package with the help of the Crown is not launched as soon as possible. There is no excuse for delays.

After the veto of Hungary and Poland, the fronts have hardened. Roth, who chairs the Conference of European Ministers today, said that the rule of law is a pillar of the EU and that is why the Union is valued around the world.

Chancellor Maas is optimistic

However, Federal Chancellor Heiko Maas expressed confidence that a compromise would be reached soon. “This is so much money that so many countries in the European Union need and are waiting not only for a solution, but for a quick solution. I am sure we will achieve it,” he said. Maas in Berlin. As the current Presidency of the Council of the EU, Germany is jointly responsible for ensuring that this is successful.

Poland and Hungary vetoed the 1.8 trillion euro financial package yesterday. The governments of Warsaw and Budapest oppose the fact that the payment of EU funds should in future be linked to compliance with the rule of law. In both countries there are criticisms of the handling of the judiciary, the media and, in some cases, science.

Tusk calls for Fidesz to be expelled from the EPP

Because of this, the European Christian Democratic People’s Party is once again discussing how Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s relations are with the Hungarian Fidesz party. EPP party leader Donald Tusk called for the exclusion of the CDU, CSU and the other EPP member parties. “Whoever is against the rule of law is against Europe,” the Pole wrote on Twitter.

Expect a clear position from all parties of the EPP. “Opponents of our core values ​​should no longer be protected by anyone,” Tusk said. He did not directly mention Hungary or Fidesz.

CDU and CSU are against Tusk’s lawsuit

Tusk has long been calling for the expulsion of Fidesz, but cannot find a majority for it. So far, among others, the CDU and CSU have opposed.

Even now, the president of the Union in the EU Parliament, Daniel Caspary, was not impressed by Tusk’s renewed demand. Taking out Fidesz would not help anyone, the CDU politician told the dpa news agency.

Hungary’s blockade is unacceptable, but now it’s about putting the EU budget, Corona aid, and the rule of law mechanism in place. If Orban thinks the mechanism violates EU treaties, he should appeal to the European Union Court of Justice and not block the budget package, Caspary said.

The EPP has been struggling for a long time with the right way to deal with it.

The EPP has been fighting with Fidesz for years. In March 2019, membership was suspended due to alleged violations of EU fundamental values ​​and various attacks against the then head of the EU Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker. At a board meeting in February, there was no majority for the party to be expelled, so the suspension was maintained indefinitely.

It is not clear how the lockdown can be resolved now. This is expected to be the subject of a video conference of the heads of state and government on Thursday.

Daily topics reported on this topic on November 16, 2020 at 11:30 pm
