Criticism of doctors after vaccination summit: “I don’t understand”


As of: 03/20/2021 9:11 am

There is great dissatisfaction among physicians with Corona’s policy. Family doctors can vaccinate immediately, but they are not allowed to do so. Intensive care physicians are calling for a quick return to lockdown in lieu of vacancies.

The results of the vaccination summit on Friday night were met with misunderstanding among general practitioners. The federal president of the German Association of General Practitioners, Ulrich Weigeldt, criticized the ARD-Extra the starting point: “Preparation is there, logistics is in place, supply chains are in place.” Pilot projects have shown that it is possible to vaccinate all vaccines available from general practitioners. “I don’t understand,” Weigeldt said. “Why do we have to wait now? What?” He accused the policy of privileging vaccination centers. But people would rather have their GP vaccinated.

The director of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, Andreas Gassen, was also skeptical. “The decision does not change anything in the basic situation. We continue to vaccinate in slow motion,” he told the business magazine “Business Insider”.

Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime ministers of the federal states reached an agreement at the summit on how to proceed with the vaccination. Family doctors should be routinely vaccinated against the coronavirus immediately after Easter. Vaccination centers should reliably receive 2.25 million doses per week in the future; Any amount in excess of that amount will go to medical offices. Initially, they can only vaccinate 20 doses a week with it.

Ulrich Weigeldt, President of the German Association of Family Physicians, on vaccinations in family physicians’ offices.

ARD Corona Extra, 03/19/2021

Doctors: “The emergency brake must be pulled”

The next federal and state consultations on the corona pandemic are due to take place on Monday. In the face of the talks, the doctors warned of a worsening situation in the health system and again called for stricter restrictions. “The agreed emergency brake should definitely be applied, there should be no exceptions,” said the director of the Marburger Bund doctors association, Susanne Johnain of the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”. “I expect an even more critical situation at Easter than at the turn of the year.”

The capacity buffer in intensive care units “will disappear quickly,” he warned and criticized the easing schedule that the federal and state governments agreed to in their video conference earlier this month. “It was irresponsible to loosen up like this on the third wave and the spread of mutants. As a result, clinics are now threatened with the third extreme situation a year from now,” Johna said. The “emergency brake”, which Chancellor Merkel and the prime ministers agreed to support easing, should take effect in seven days with an incidence of 100 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants. According to the Robert Koch Institute, the incidence nationwide is currently 99.9.

Intensive care medicine warning

There are also renewed warnings from intensive care physicians. The national seven-day incidence could very rapidly increase to 200 without intervention and lead to significantly more intensive care patients. “From our point of view, there can only be one return to the February lockdown,” said the president of the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive and Emergency Medicine (Divi), Gernot Marx, of the “Augsburger Allgemeine”. “Everything you allow yourself now has to be paid back later with compound interest and interest,” Marx warned.
