Court ruling: court allows Corona elevator in Munich


Political Sentence of the court

Court allows Corona lift in Munich

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People demonstrated together in August in Berlin;  the judges may still remember these images People demonstrated together in August in Berlin;  the judges may still remember these images

People demonstrated together in August in Berlin; the judges may still remember these images


However, the Bavarian Administrative Court is forcing the “lateral thinking 089” initiative to change its plans for a planned Corona demonstration in Munich. An argument from the judges: the foreseeable violations of the distance rules.

reThe demonstration against the crown measures scheduled for Saturday in Munich must not take place as planned by the organizers. This was decided by the Bavarian Administrative Court (VGH) early Saturday morning, thus partially confirming the lower court ruling and the city’s requirements. However, a previously forbidden elevator with up to 500 participants was allowed from Odeonsplatz to Theresienwiese. Otherwise, the organizers’ complaint was rejected.

This means that the demonstration cannot take place on Odeonsplatz as planned by the organizer, but can only take place on Theresienwiese. The organizers of the demonstration, the “lateral thinking 089” initiative, had previously appealed against the decisions of the Munich Administrative Court.

The VGH lifted the limitation of the meeting in Theresienwiese on Saturday night. Previously, only 1000 visitors were allowed there. How many people are now admitted to the demonstration on Theresienwiese, the VGH could not answer on Saturday morning, as reported by the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”.

“Lateral Thought 089” had registered a demonstration with 5000 participants on Odeonsplatz under the slogan “Peace, Freedom and Health”. The city prohibited this. Instead, he allowed the demonstration under strict conditions at Theresienwiese, but initially with only 1000 participants to protect against infection. A planned city demonstration was also banned.

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The organizers had filed a lawsuit against this requirement. The Munich Administrative Court subsequently confirmed the city’s decisions (M 13 E 20.4261 and M 13 E 20.4258). One argument for this: The foreseeable violations of the legally binding distance requirement created an immediate danger to public safety, the justices said.

In Berlin, there were recently clashes between the participants of the demonstration and the police on the sidelines of several demonstrations against the policy of the crown. 300 to 400 people had broken through the barriers and briefly occupied the stairs in front of the Reichstag building. The protesters’ actions had caused outrage among politicians.
