Court ruling: Bavarian shoe stores allowed to reopen


As the Bavarian Administrative Court (VGH) confirmed to the BR, according to the court, shoe stores belong to stores that are essential for daily supply. Proper footwear is a basic need of the population and also a prerequisite for the exercise of many professions and also for sports activities. There may also be an urgent and short-term need for children and adolescents.

Stores not only serve “daily supply” when they serve to cover a requirement of each individual that actually occurs “daily”, but rather when they cover an individual need that may arise at any time and therefore “daily”. From the court grounds

Only Bavarian shoe stores affected

As a result, shoe stores would be of similar importance to bookstores, baby supply stores, DIY and garden centers, or flower shops. Therefore, they are allowed to open even with a 7-day incidence of more than 100. The decision only affects stores in Bavaria. A chain of footwear retailers in Scheßlitz had filed a lawsuit. As the footwear retailer confirmed to the BR, today at 9.30 a.m. it opened the footwear department of its branch in Schweinfurt at 9.30 a.m.

It’s not an April Fool joke

Several other shoe stores have also reopened, according to a BR survey. The rush is already great in some places; elsewhere, the great fever has not materialized until now. “Customers fear that the abrupt opening could be a joke,” says a Landshut branch manager: “I have received several calls today asking if it is really open. Everyone should probably be aware of that first.”

An Amberg shoe retailer reports in Bayern 1: “Before opening the store, we first clarified this with the lawyers because we could hardly believe it, and then we just opened it.” The joy in the place is great, but the situation also looks chaotic: “We would have liked to know that three days ago.”

Mixed feelings among customers

The decision was met with mixed comments from bystanders. While some welcome openness as normal, others consider that it would further increase the risk of infection. Many are also calling for equality: If shoe stores are allowed to reopen, retailers should be able to reopen as well.
