Counties are threatened with restrictions on freedom of movement


SStudents in grades 1 to 6 in Hessen do not have to come to schools for lessons until the end of January. Compulsory attendance will be suspended for them, for pupils in grade 7, with the exception of final grades, distance education will be offered, Education Minister Alexander Lorz (CDU) said on Wednesday according to dpa in Wiesbaden. Additionally, the stricter general crown rules in Hesse will apply from January 11, as expected, initially until the end of the month. On Wednesday, about 3,500 more people were vaccinated in the central state.

Daniel Meuren

Thorsten Winter

Thorsten Winter

Business editor and internet coordinator in Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

According to a decision of the Crown cabinet of the Hessian state government, only members of a household can meet in the future with a maximum of one other person who does not live in the home in public space. The lockdown with the closure of numerous stores was initially limited to January 10. On Tuesday, the chancellor and the country’s leaders agreed to extend and, in some cases, toughen the requirements. Meanwhile, the delay in reporting the days between Christmas and New Years is notable.

1913 new cases

As the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reports on its website, vaccination teams have given 41,298 people in Hesse preventive advice against the corona virus. More vaccines are only available for Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia. Converted to the number of inhabitants, Hesse is ahead of the large western states with 6.6 vaccinated per 1000 inhabitants, ahead of Bavaria with 6.3 and Schleswig-Holstein with 5.9. Nationally, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is at the top with 11.2 people ahead of Saxony-Anhalt with 7.8 people. Rhineland-Palatinate has 12,336 vaccines and a rate of 3.0.

The number of new corona infections reported in Hesse increased by about 1,300 cases through 1913 on Wednesday compared to the day before. The total number of cases registered since the start of the pandemic now stands at 142,925, as can be seen from data from the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin (as of January 6, at 8.25 am). So far, 3,211 virus-related deaths have been recorded in Hessen. That’s 116 more than Tuesday. With the figures, Hessen is in a national comparison of the total number of 21,237 new cases reported within the range of what the 8 percent population share suggests.

Light red dots on the map of Corona

The number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 7 days was 130. When you look at the RKI map, the Rhine-Main region initially retains bright red dots: the Hochtaunus district, the Main-Taunus district and the Main cities Wiesbaden, Mainz and Darmstadt are currently below 100. Frankfurt and Offenbach are at 118 and 128, respectively.

On the other hand, the Gießen district remains dark with an incidence of 282, but Limburg-Weilburg would also be affected by the restriction of freedom of movement within a radius of 15 to 244 kilometers if it came into effect after the Cabinet meeting from Corona on Wednesday. Please note: for good reasons, including the way you work, you can leave the radio in any case. This was emphasized by Prime Minister Volker Bouffier on Tuesday after the prime ministers meeting. Currently, Odenwaldkreis and Main-Kinzig-Kreis, which have long been considered hotspots in the region, are not in this area.

Questions about vaccination in Hessen: When is my turn?

The Hessian Ministry of Social Affairs publishes an overview of the development of the crown every day, broken down into districts and urban districts. Refers to RKI figures. In the first weeks of the pandemic, it also took into account the data of the inspection and investigation office of the state of Hesse in the health system of the regional council of Gießen, to which the health authorities must report new cases. For consistency, the ministry now only uses RKI information.

From Frankfurt’s point of view, the following is of fundamental importance: positive tests taken at the airport are not assigned to the city. Rather, according to the Ministry of Social Affairs, they are reflected in the statistics of the health department, which is responsible for the respective returnee. This can also be the Frankfurt office or another in Hesse, but also an authority in another federal state.

In the fight against the pandemic, Hessian head of government Volker Bouffier (CDU) wants to adhere to most of the rules after Tuesday’s federal-state conference. Resolutions valid until the end of the Hessian holidays on January 10 will be extended until January 31. At corona hotspots with a 7-day incidence of more than 200 new infections, citizens can only leave a 15-kilometer radius from their place of residence for a compelling reason, such as driving to work. Day trips are not included.

Routes to work are still guaranteed. Meetings in the public space should only be possible with members of the household or with another person who does not live in the household. Children are also counted. Corona’s cabinet will make more decisions on Wednesday.
