Coronavirus: why the death toll is so high today


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Why is the death toll so high today

| Reading time: 3 minutes

Germany enters a nationwide lockdown

Shortly before the crown lockdown took effect, the fever in the retail sector was enormous. Many took the opportunity to do their last Christmas shopping. Most stores have to close at least on January 10.

At the beginning of the national shutdown, the Robert Koch Institute is reporting more corona deaths during a day than ever before, the previous record being beaten by 60 percent. This can only be partially explained by the late Saxon record.

WITHu At the beginning of the hard lockdown, Germany has a new record for deaths per crown. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported 952 deaths in 24 hours on Wednesday. The previous record last Friday was 598 deaths per crown in one day. The 952 deaths represent an increase of almost 60 percent. In purely mathematical terms, a person in Germany dies from or with the virus approximately every 1.5 minutes. The value continued to rise, especially among the very old.

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The number of infections increased by 27,728, which is equivalent to about 7,000 new infections more than a week ago. One reason for the sudden increase: the figures are likely to be somewhat skewed because new data from Saxony were not available on Tuesday and have now been reported. For Saxony, the RKI reported 153 new deaths on Wednesday.

Another reason: the number of daily deaths increased recently, which was also expected after the sharp increase in new infections. On Tuesday, the number of recently reported deaths was 500 and thus, even without the missing Saxon data, the third highest value since the start of the pandemic.

The total number of people who died with or with a proven Sars-CoV-2 infection rose to 23,427 as of Wednesday.

People living in nursing homes and nursing homes are often affected

According to the RKI, deaths from corona are counted as those in which virus infection was the cause of death or, due to previous illnesses, death is likely to be directly related to Covid-19. That is why we are talking about people who “died of or with” the virus.

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As can be seen from RKI’s situation report released in the evening, 4,735 Covid-19 patients were in intensive care on Tuesday. According to the RKI, the high number of cases nationwide is mainly due to diffuse events.

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The institute found numerous build-ups, particularly in private homes and nursing homes and nursing homes, but also in professional settings and in community facilities. Infections also come from religious events. In a large number of cases, the infection environment cannot be determined. The RKI emphasizes that it considers the overall health risk in Germany to be very high.

Incidence is increasing in the elderly

While the seven-day incidence in the younger age groups stagnates or decreases slightly according to the RKI situation report, it continues to increase in the older population. Since older people are more frequently affected by severe courses of Covid-19 disease, the number of severe cases and deaths is also increasing.

A significant increase in the number of deaths has been observed since the beginning of September. The virus is life-threatening, especially for the very old: of all deaths, 19,663 (88 percent) occurred in people aged 70 and over. In contrast, the share of people over the age of 70 in the total number of reported Covid 19 cases is only 13 percent. Since the start of the pandemic in the spring, the RKI has received twelve deaths from Covid 19 among people under the age of 20.

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