Coronavirus: where to get a face mask or mask


GBefore getting to the source word, wearing a mask is actually meant for joyous occasions. Because the term probably has its origin in the Arabic “Mashara”, which can be translated more or less as “joke”, “joke” or as an adjective with “ridiculous”. But in times of the global corona virus, masks are anything but ridiculous. Like this also highlights virologist Christian Drosten: “The masks are a complement to the measures and a reminder to everyone of the seriousness of the situation!”

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and Prime Ministers had “strongly recommended” to wear so-called everyday masks on buses and trains and in retail stores across the country last week.

Meanwhile, most federal states have decided to use mouth protection in shops and on local public transport: it is now or will be applied in Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Berlin, Hesse, Baden-Württemberg, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia, Bavaria, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Saxony. Therefore, everyday masks or scarves are prescribed in 10 of the 16 federal states, sometimes in more, sometimes in fewer places.

But where do citizens in these countries get a mask from now on? And what should be considered when using and caring?

FFP masks, surgical masks and everyday masks.

In general, there are three types of masks. More effective against viruses FFP masksHowever, they are currently scarce worldwide, and in Germany they are particularly useful for medical nurses and doctors and should be reserved for the health system.

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Then there is Disposable surgical masks, which you can currently buy in some pharmacies, for around 2.50 euros, sometimes in packages of ten. In many places, however, they are exhausted. Surgical masks should be removed as soon as they are wet, but after a maximum of eight hours of use.

In Austria, these masks are distributed to supermarkets. In Germany, however, this is not usually the case and is not mandatory, even if it made sense for companies to offer it. The same applies to hairdressers who can reopen from the beginning of May, but who must also wear masks for staff and clients. But: Even retailers can’t provide respirators across the board because there are so few of them.

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The most widespread material cover, the so-called Everyday masks. Although they do not protect the user, they protect the people around them. If necessary, it is enough to put a scarf over your face, you can hear it over and over again, also from Chancellor Merkel. Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer said in an interview with WELT this week: “Grandparents, aunts and uncles adapt like world champions.”

For internal production you need, for example, a scarf, a cloth napkin or a piece of cotton in general, with rubber bands or hair bands or sewing thread. The tutorial videos on YouTube show how to fold a mask, even without a sewing machine.

Alternatively, local tailors can be a point of contact for masks, there are also stalls at weekly markets, and there are more and more regional online stores offering such face coatings across the country, usually for the price of 10. at 15 euros. However, delivery to all stores may be delayed due to high demand.

Wash every day at 60 degrees

Important: Cotton masks must be cleaned frequently and thoroughly, otherwise they will become virus spinners. In the best case daily wash at least 60 degrees and fully dried, recommends the Robert Koch Institute. It is questionable whether all citizens really adhere to this. When in doubt, surgical masks may make more sense here, but are in turn more rare.

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Corona virus

However, wearing masks also has disadvantages. Smartphone users using their device Facial recognition usage, you might have problems with unlocking and should switch to other variants like PIN or fingerprint.

And also in terms of health, prolonged use of mouth protectors is not only beneficial. After only 30 minutes of use, it can become significant Increased blood CO2 levels. come because the exhaled air cannot escape so well. This was the result of a study carried out by the Technical University of Munich as part of Ulrike Butz’s doctoral thesis: “Breathing carbon dioxide when wearing surgical masks as hygienic mouth protection for medical professionals”. This can lead to poor concentration, tiredness, disorders of fine motor skills, irregular heartbeat, and rapid breathing.

Statue with mask

Wearing a mask too long can make you feel tired

Source: dpa-infocom GmbH

It is also not wise to put the masks back on and off, as this increases the risk of contamination. Along the way, you should, if you do, push them under the chin to breathe deeply, but continue.

The interior of the fabric, which covers the mouth and nose, should generally not be touched with the hands to avoid contamination. Unless they have been washed or disinfected immediately before. Otherwise, the origin of the word could be true and wearing the mask could have been ridiculous in the end.
