Coronavirus: what Trump’s therapy means for treatments


The coronavirus infection of US President Donald Trump is being treated with partly experimental forms of therapy. It could also help other crown patients in the future.

By Tobias Reckmann, WDR

Remdesivir, antibodies, steroids, zinc, vitamin D, melatonin, aspirin: the list of drugs and substances with which the medical team treats the president of the United States who has contracted the coronavirus is long. While Remdesivir has long been known as a promising agent against the virus, one cocktail of antibodies in particular made people sit up and notice. The drug, which has not yet been officially approved, is used by medical professionals such as the German infectious agent Prof. Gerd Fätkenheuer, as very promising in the fight against the corona pandemic.

The American biotechnology company Regeneron from the US state of New York is behind the experimental preparation under the official name REGN-COV2. The company specializes in the production of monoclonal antibodies. These are artificially produced antibodies in the laboratory that, if successful, can be used specifically against a virus.

Highly effective antibody cocktail

If a patient gets sick, his body forms a large number of different antibodies against the virus. Researchers identify the most effective types of antibodies and synthesize them in the laboratory. This highly potent antibody cocktail could then be administered to a patient. In the case of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, apparently this has already happened.

“There are high expectations that this new form of therapy will be successful,” says Prof. Dr. Gerd Fätkenheuer, infectologist at the University Hospital Cologne. “The efficacy is possibly better than that of Remdesivir because, in theory, the virus can be selectively inactivated.” Another advantage, according to Fätkenheuer, is the good tolerance of the product, while a disadvantage is its complicated production.

Insufficient studies

Fätkenheuer is fundamentally critical of the use of antibody treatment today. So far, there are no adequate studies on the treatment of patients with coronavirus.

In fact, according to the manufacturer, REGN-COV2 is only in the second of a total of three clinical trial phases, at least for the treatment of patients with acute diseases, the third phase being the most important. REGN-COV2 has only reached the third phase of clinical testing for use as a preventive agent for healthy people who are in close contact with coronavirus-infected patients.

Steroid treatment for advanced disease

On the contrary, there are detailed studies on the use of steroids, emphasizes Fätkenheuer. As soon as the disease has reached a certain severity, for example, if the respiratory function of the patient is disturbed, steroids are also used in coronavirus patients at the Cologne University Hospital. The more the disease has progressed, the more important steroid treatment is, says Fätkenheuer.

Antibody maker Regeneron announced a partnership with European pharmaceutical manufacturer Roche in mid-August. If the REGN-COV2 clinical studies are successful, Regeneron wants to supply the US market and Roche will sell the product outside the US and therefore also in Europe. A Roche spokesperson wanted to know when the clinical studies were completed. daily News-Don’t respond to the request yet.
