Coronavirus ticker: Kretschmer – “The ten toughest weeks of the pandemic await us”


13:57 | First vaccinations in Saxony in three households

Saxony will start vaccines against the corona virus on December 27 in three nursing homes in Radeberg, the Zwickauer Land district and in the Erzgebirge district. Health Minister Petra Köpping announced this. According to his information, Saxony will initially receive 20,000 doses of vaccine. On December 29 there should be a second delivery with 24,000 doses of vaccination, at the beginning of January 34,000 would follow. According to Köpping, the vaccines are initially only administered in nursing homes, nursing homes and hospitals. The vaccination centers would be used later.

1:42 pm | Youth hostels are giving up because of Corona

In Saxony-Anhalt, three youth hostels had to leave this year due to the crown. So said the managing director of the youth hostel, Burkhard Fieber, the MDR. According to him, these are the houses in Radis in the Wittenberg district, Meisdorf in the Harz district and Quedlinburg. The number of overnight stays has decreased by almost two-thirds, the number of school trips by up to 90 percent. In Saxony-Anhalt there are still twelve youth hostels with around 190 employees.

1:26 pm | Kretschmer fears a new wave of infections

Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer fears a new wave of infections after Christmas and the New Year. The CDU politician said in Dresden that there would be a third wave. How big the new wave will be and what damage it will cause is “in its own hands” in Saxony and Germany. Kretschmer stressed that “the ten toughest weeks of the pandemic await us.” The rule of distance must pass to flesh and blood. You have the impression that respect for illness also arises from personal experience. Hopefully everyone has this idea.

1:06 pm | Slovenia is running a lot of tests

An important crown test has started in Slovenia. In the capital, Ljubljana and 12 other cities, all residents can get tested for the corona virus for free until Thursday. A second series of tests will begin after Christmas, aimed primarily at important professional groups such as teachers, policemen and soldiers. The Slovenian government expects a quarter of the two million inhabitants to be tested.

On the first day in Ljubljana, hundreds of people lined up in front of a testing center in the city center. The test result is communicated to the participants through a cell phone message. Slovenia weathered the first wave of infections relatively well, but the number of infections has increased considerably since the autumn. Since the start of the corona pandemic, more than 107,000 infections and more than 2,400 deaths have been recorded in the small EU country.

12:12 pm | Intensive care patient transferred from Saxony to Rostock

According to its own information, the University of Rostock has taken in a Saxon crown intensive care patient. A second person seriously ill with Covid-19 will soon be transferred to Rostock. The medical director of the University of Medicine, Christian Schmidt, said that today there is still enough capacity to help Saxon colleagues and patients.

According to the Ministry of Health of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, up to ten patients from Saxony are expected in the state in the coming days. The exact allocation is controlled based on the severity of the disease and the capacities of the hospitals. The Greifswald University Medical Center is also supposed to accept patients if needed.
