Coronavirus – This is the number of infected students in individual federal states


Germany Coronavirus

This is the number of infected students in individual federal states

| Reading time: 3 minutes

“We would have liked more crown measurements”

The federal and state governments agreed to extend the partial blockade and tighten the measures. The federal government would have liked to have even stricter rules. Especially in the school sector, Foreign Minister Helge Braun said.

The number of coronavirus cases is also increasing among high school students. This is clear from the figures that the Conference of Ministers of Education now presents weekly for all German schools. One federal state stands out.

In Germany were at the end of the past Week of 30,000 118 schools closed due to coronavirus infections among students or teachers, twelve more than in the previous week. In another 3,700 schools, individual classes or learning groups are taught remotely, for example due to a quarantine order. This means that face-to-face teaching is restricted in about 12.8 percent of all schools.

This comes from statistics from the Permanent Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK). The KMK, an association of ministers of education of the federal states, recently decided to publish weekly statistical information on the Covid 19 pandemic in German schools on the KMK website.

According to current figures, 20,185 schoolchildren in Germany were infected with the new corona virus at the end of last week. An increase of 821 students compared to the previous week. In total, that’s 0.2 percent of all children and youth in schools.

Almost 200,000 students in quarantine

Of the total of more than 10 million students, 199,932 were in quarantine at the end of last week, an increase of 9,000 students.

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There were a total of 3,169 corona cases among the 900,000 teachers. That’s a slight decrease, in the previous week there were 3,219. Three times more, 11,598 teachers, were also in quarantine, also a little less (-122) than the previous week. That means 1.3 percent of the teachers were quarantined last week.

This is how it looks in the federal states

The numbers are also broken down for individual federal states. According to this, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has the lowest value of all federal states with only 27 infected students. Saarland also has low values ​​with 121 cases, Thuringia with 137, Saxony with 145 and Schleswig-Holstein with 147 cases.

In the middle are Bremen with 254 infected students, Brandenburg with 407 and Hamburg with 528 students. More than a thousand students are infected in Rhineland-Palatinate (1215), in Hesse 1408, in Berlin 1415, in Lower Saxony 2470, in Bavaria 3017 and in Baden-Württemberg 3474. North Rhine-Westphalia stands out with 5203 infected students. However: in all federal states, the proportion of currently infected students is less than 0.3 percent. With 72,000 students in quarantine, North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) is also on top at this point, but the numbers have not been reported by all federal states.

However, teachers currently infected with the virus were reported from all countries. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania there was one, in NRW there were 721 teachers. The state was again at the top, followed by Berlin with 479 infected teachers, Bavaria with 471 and Baden-Württemberg and Lower Saxony with 348 teachers each. In Hesse there were 199, in all other federal states there were fewer teachers.

Berlin stands out here, because according to the figures, one percent of all teachers there were infected with Sars-Cov-2, in all other countries it is only 0.01 (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania) to 0.5 percent (Brandenburg) . In the previous week, Berlin had an unusually high value among teachers with 0.8 percent infected. Furthermore, at least one distance education class is available in 38.7 percent of Berlin schools; on average in Germany this is only the case in 12.8 percent of schools.

Udo Beckmann, director of the Association for Education and Parenting, said the numbers provide no reason to downplay the legitimate fears of parents, students and teachers. It is a “considerable number” of students and teachers who are quarantined or infected.
