Coronavirus: the federal government declares that eleven regions of the EU are risk areas


The federal government has declared regions of eleven European Union countries as risk zones due to the increasing number of infections in the crown crisis. This also includes areas in the neighboring countries of Denmark, the Czech Republic, France, Austria and the Netherlands, as can be seen from the updated list from the Robert Koch Institute.

The federal government has been warning against travel to European regions, including Vienna, Budapest and South and North Holland, since last week. Both areas are still on the Robert Koch Institute’s list. These regions were recently declared risk areas:

  • Denmark: the capital

  • France: Brittany, Center-Val de Loire and Normandy

  • Ireland: Dublin

  • Croatia: Lika-Senj

  • Netherlands: Utrecht

  • Austria: Vorarlberg

  • Portugal Lisbon

  • Romania: Covasna

  • Slovenia: Primorsko-notranjska (coastal interior Carniola)

  • Czech Republic: the whole country except for the regions of the Aussiger region (Ústecký) and the Moravian-Silesian region (Moravskloslezský)

  • Hungary: Györ-Moson-Sopron

Travel advisories expected

The Federal Foreign Office is expected to issue a travel advisory for all these areas in the course of the night. Travelers returning from risk areas must undergo a corona test 48 hours before or after entering the country. The travel warning is not a ban, but it is intended to have a significant deterrent effect. However, it also has a silver lining for consumers: it allows travelers to cancel reservations for free.

After the outbreak of the corona pandemic, the federal Foreign Office issued a world travel advisory for tourist travel for the first time on March 17. It was initially raised again in mid-June for more than 30 European countries. After a few weeks, the travel advisories for the first countries had to be reactivated due to the increasing number of infections. More than half of the EU countries are now affected. However, Spain remains the only Member State that has been fully declared a risk zone.

The classification usually takes place if the number of new corona infections exceeds the mark of 50 cases per 100,000 population in seven days. Until now, there may be other reasons for the travel warning, such as entry bans or lack of hygiene measures.

Icon: The mirror
