Coronavirus: study shows transmission through “nasty” aerosols – Lauterbach warns of “chimney effect”


Aerosols have become the focus of the spread of the coronavirus. The tiny particles can float in the air for a long time. Karl Lauterbach, an SPD health expert, cautions.

  • the Coronavirus It is not only caused by a droplet infection, but probably also by Aerosol sprays spread.
  • Therefore, small, poorly ventilated rooms are dangerous in Corona times.
  • Well scared SPD politician Karl Lauterbach Sprays in a special place.

Munich – From the beginning of Crown-Pandemic science * has discovered a lot about the virus. There are still plenty of riddles that keep investigators around the world busy. Experts now agree that poorly ventilated or closed rooms increase the risk of infection. However, outdoors, Sars-CoV-2 * infection is less likely.

Coronavirus and aerosols: important route of transmission of the virus

Aerosol sprays play next to the drops in the Coronavirus transmission apparently a role. While large droplets (larger than 5 µm) quickly sink to the ground, aerosols can float in the air for longer and spread across the room, even at a distance of two meters. When you breathe and speak, but even more when you scream and sing, aerosols are excreted, explains the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in the coronavirus profile.

Infectious patients can spread the coronavirus unhindered in this way, even to people who keep a minimum distance. At first, the research was divided on the subject of aerosols. But it is only through this route of transmission that so-called “super-propagation outbreaks” can be explained, as in slaughterhouses in Germany, during carnival or after a choir rehearsal. In July, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially recognized the Sars-CoV-2 through aerosols can be transferred. 240 researchers had previously written an open letter to the WHO, pointing out the underestimated danger.

Coronavirus: Study Reveals Corona’s Transmission Route: Is the “Chimney Effect” Dangerous?

Berlin’s top virologist, Christian Drosten, was already convinced at the start of the corona pandemic that the small particles could be responsible for every second infection. American researchers from the University of Florida recently demonstrated that contagious coronaviruses adhere to aerosols. However, the study has yet to go through the peer review process. However, researchers have not investigated whether the viral load of the suspended particles can actually trigger a coronavirus infection.

How aerosols are spread in rooms depends on several factors. This is how she plays humidity A role. The coronavirus spreads faster in dry rooms. A team of researchers from Leipzig and India discovered this in an analysis of ten international studies. The results were published in the journal “Aerosol and Air Quality Research”
published. They recommend a humidity of at least 40 percent to reduce the effects of Covid-19 and other viral diseases.

Coronavirus: Lauterbach warns of aerosol transmission in high-rise buildings

“Unappetizing” – describes SPD politician Karl Lauterbach now a study dealing with a special type of aerosol dispersion, namely Aerosol sprays one Toilettenspülung people infected with coronavirus in a skyscraper. Researchers have finished 200 air and surface samples investigated and concluded that residents of the building complex were apparently infected in the bathroom by virus-laden air sprays in the bathroom.

People in a high-rise building in Guangzhou, China, had, according to researchers no physical contact and yet he was infected with the corona virus. The apartments of those affected were only connected by drainage pipes in the bathrooms. Especially in the vertical connection of the sewage system in the high-rise building was responsible for the spread of the aerosols. They looked at the so-called “chimney effect” through which the corona virus spreads by flushing the toilet.

Here you can find all the developments on the subject of the coronavirus in Germany in our news ticker. (ml) * is part of the Ippen-Digital publishing network

In the Corona crisis, SPD politician Karl Lauterbach repeatedly urges caution and appeals to the common sense of the population. For fear of being infected with the corona virus, a pair of parents locked their three children in their rooms for four months. Now the children have been released. American researchers have now investigated how different masks and visors can protect against infection.
