Coronavirus: Robert Koch Institute reports 16,774 new infections in Germany


The number of new corona infections recorded in Germany has reached a new high of 16,774 cases in one day. This comes from the information of the Robert Koch Institute in the early hours of Thursday. The previous record the day before was 14,964 cases. On Thursday a week ago, health authorities had reported 11,287 new infections. The value had passed the 10,000 mark for the first time since the start of the corona pandemic in Germany.

The current values ​​are only partially comparable to those of the spring, as many more tests are now underway and more infections are discovered as a result.

According to the RKI, a total of 481,013 people across Germany have been infected with Sars-CoV-2 since the start of the pandemic (until October 29, 00:00). The number of deaths related to the virus rose by 89 to a total of 10,272 as of Thursday. The RKI estimates that around 339,200 people have recovered.

According to the RKI situation report on Wednesday, the number of views, or the R-value for short, was 1.03 in Germany (previous day: 1.17). This means that one infected person infects slightly more than one other person. The R value represents the infection rate approximately one and a half weeks earlier.

In addition, the RKI includes the so-called seven-day R in its management report. The value refers to a longer period of time and is therefore less subject to daily fluctuations. According to RKI estimates, this value was 1.17 on Tuesday. It shows the infection process from 8 to 16 days ago.

The chancellor will issue a government statement

After the federal-state consultations on Wednesday, Chancellor Angela Merkel wants to explain the federal government’s crown policy to the Bundestag on Thursday. The government statement is the third since the pandemic began. An hour and a half debate is scheduled after the speech for approximately 20 minutes (9 am).

The federal and state governments agreed on Wednesday to break the second wave of corona infections with strict contact restrictions for citizens and an extensive shutdown of all leisure activities. This is to prevent the uncontrollable spread of the epidemic. The measures must be applied from next Monday (November 2) and last until the end of November.

Icon: The mirror
