Coronavirus: postman dies of virus – his last words move to tears


Coronavirus: postman dies of virus – his last words move to tears

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A healthy postman who writes a very emotional text message to his partner, minutes before he begins to suffer the consequences of Corona virus go dead …

Akie Fenty (45) from Aberdeen (Scotland) spent two weeks battling symptoms of insidious disease, respiratory problems, and high fever. But last Sunday, a daughter’s daughter was hospitalized, shortly after he had gone to the doctor for chest pain.

Coronavirus: Postman Akie Fenty dies completely unexpectedly

Less than four hours later he was dead, he is the third member of the Royal Mail who died of the coronavirus. His colleagues Bola Omoyeni and Stefan Haluszczak also lost the Covid-19 fight the same weekend.

Her partner Lisa Masson (46) cannot believe the loss, she told “The Sun”: “She was transported in an ambulance and around 11:15 pm she had written to me ‘I love you. Everything is very crazy. I received a call at midnight. He left us at 11:45 pm “

After 20 years of relationship, the wedding was planned

Lisa Masson continued: “When the doctor called, at first I thought he would just let me know about the additional treatment. I couldn’t believe the news of death. ” Particularly tragic: The couple had planned to get married in August and thus crown their 20-year love. The two had already booked a honeymoon trip to Florida (USA) in October, and their daughter Abby (15) should also be coming. Unfortunately it turned out differently …

Lisa Masson says her akie had not previously been screened for the corona virus, but the death certificate cited Covid-19 as the cause of death. Lisa: “I can’t believe how he hit someone like him. He was strong, fit and healthy. It leaves a big gap in our lives.”

It had started harmlessly …

According to “The Sun” it all started quite harmlessly. The postman, who had been with Royal Mail for 19 years, had to deal with flu symptoms in December 2019. He coughed a lot, but still went to work. It collapsed just two weeks ago and was unable to do its job. The later course is known …


The virus crowns in NRW, Germany and around the world:

++ Crown in NRW: lock opens under THIS condition: police warn of new dangers ++

++ Corona virus: THIS new crisis is now coming to Germany: more than 88,000 deaths worldwide ++


Lisa Masson now wants to warn people around the world to take their symptoms seriously and says, “I want people to understand the severity of this disease. It is not just a cold or the flu. It is something that can drive people away. people of your loved ones. “
