Coronavirus: Past Vaccinations for Elementary School and Nursery Staff


Status: 02/22/2021 7:41 pm

From vaccination priority three to two: Elementary and special school teachers, as well as daycare staff, should get vaccinated ahead of schedule. The federal and state governments have agreed to this. To implement this, the vaccination ordinance must be changed.

To protect against coronavirus infection, teachers in primary and special schools, as well as nursery educators, should be able to get vaccinated ahead of schedule. The federal and state governments agreed to this at the health ministers conference, as announced later by their president, Bavarian Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (CSU).

“We have to protect professional groups with a particularly high risk of infection,” Holetschek said. Affected employees must move from the third to the second group of the vaccination sequence, provided that the necessary vaccine is available in the countries. The federal states had spoken out in favor of the new regulation without dissenting votes, the CSU politician explained.

Changes to vaccination regulations are planned

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn presented a draft amendment to the vaccination ordinance at the vote, which is expected to go into effect on Wednesday.

The increased prioritization should allow a quick and safe implementation of the opening strategies of the federal states in kindergartens and elementary schools, according to the draft cited by the dpa news agency. Because this will lead to many, often close contacts, especially since not all protective measures can be well implemented for younger children.

An agreement had emerged

In the run-up to the ministerial health conference, Spahn and several countries had spoken out in favor of advancing primary school teachers and daycare staff in the sequence of vaccinations. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the prime ministers of the federal states had requested an examination. Health ministers have now added that special needs schools should also be included in the decision.

I’m Berlin report Spahn noted Sunday that, as a result of the school opening in ten federal states, “millions more people are on the move.” At the same time, mutants of viruses that are much more contagious appeared in Germany. Therefore, more people need to be vaccinated.
