Coronavirus News Thursday: The most important developments regarding Sars-Cov-2 and Covid-19


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Workers in the illegal harvest should obtain residence permits in Italy

1:10 am: In view of the crisis, Italy wants to grant temporary residence rights to migrants who work illegally as harvest workers in the country. The measure is intended to contain undeclared work and at the same time ensure that these workers receive medical care, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said.

A prerequisite for residence and work permits is that applicants can demonstrate their work experience in agriculture or in private homes. Every summer thousands of immigrants from Africa, Bulgaria and Romania come to Italy to help harvest fruits and vegetables.

Trump rejects warning from leading virologist Fauci

1:00 am: Anthony Fauci is one of Donald Trump’s top advisers in the crown crisis. But the President of the United States apparently does not want to hear bad news from a proven expert. In any case, Trump considers that the health professional’s warnings about the risks of a reopening of the economy are too “unreasonable”.

“For me, it is not a viable solution,” Trump told reporters at the White House. I was surprised by Fauci’s sight. The head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases had previously testified before the Senate Health Committee that until the vaccine became available, the state should focus on best practices and restrictions to curb the spread of the virus. A premature relaxation of restrictions on public life could endanger not only people, but also the recovery of the economy.

Seehofer: borders can also be closed quickly

00.40 clock: For now, German border traffic should be running again soon. But the return to partial normality could be short-lived. Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer does not rule out withdrawing easing at the borders if the number of crown infections increases again. If the infection escapes from the authorities, that is, there are more than 50 new infections for every 100,000 inhabitants within a week in the border area, the reduction would have to be withdrawn again, the CSU politician said in “Maischberger.die woche ” Germany is not an island. Seehofer also said: “If the infection remains as cheap or becomes even cheaper, we will finish border checks on June 15.”

He announced on Wednesday that controls at the Luxembourg border would end Saturday night. At the German-Denmark border, Germany is also ready to end controls “as soon as the Danish government has carried out its ongoing consultations with its neighboring countries,” he said. On the other hand, controls at the borders with France, Austria and Switzerland will continue until June 15.

Health Official Warns United States of “Darker Winter” Due to Corona

00:20: According to a senior health official, the United States could face the “darkest winter in recent history” due to a simultaneous outbreak of the flu and the coronavirus. The time for the government to plan and implement a science-based strategy in a timely manner is now running out, Rick Bright warned in a previously released statement to a House committee. Without a coordinated strategy, the pandemic would lead to unprecedented levels of illness and death, he warned. It should be heard in Parliament on Thursday.

Bright said he was shot as the director of a Health Department agency in April for refusing to support unsupported treatments for Covid-19 lung disease, which the President of the United States, Donald Trump, promised. Bright was transferred to a position at the National Institute of Health (NIH). Trump in turn said at the time that he did not know the official at all.

Icon: The Mirror
