Coronavirus News Thursday: The Most Important Developments About Sars-CoV-2 and Covid-19


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How much ventilation is the classroom?

Is classroom ventilation sufficient to significantly reduce the risk of infection? Yes, say the ministers of education. But criticism of his concept persists. Read more about lessons on the crown crisis here.

RKI warns of “uncontrolled spread”

9.35 am: Health Minister Spahn is “very concerned” about the increase in new infections. “We may see more than 10,000 new cases a day,” added RKI President Lothar Wieler.

Lower Saxony wants to ban accommodation for vacationers at hotspots

9.30 am: Lower Saxony now wants to ban accommodation for vacationers in risk areas. A corresponding state ordinance will be initiated, Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) said. It was agreed within the state government. Many other federal states also do not want tourists from risky areas to spend the night in their hotels and vacation apartments. They had agreed to this on Wednesday. Lower Saxony did not initially join.

This should work for travelers from areas with more than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days. The date of entry into Lower Saxony is decisive, Weil said. Short-term stays should be avoided from having to be interrupted. Also, tourists with a negative test could go on vacation to Lower Saxony.

Söder: Some big cities are in danger of losing control

9.17 am: According to Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU), some big cities like Berlin are on the verge of losing control of the number of infections. For this reason, “under no circumstances” should caution, which is crucial to face the pandemic, be renounced. “The numbers are exploding around us in Europe,” Söder emphasized in the ZDF “Morgenmagazin”. There the problem is also growing in hospitals.

“More mask, less alcohol and, of course, smaller parties” are the appropriate measures for a greater number of infections. In addition, Söder defended an accommodation ban for people from risky areas in the interior of Germany that was decided on Wednesday. The main concern is the safety of people for the tourism industry.

Spahn was also concerned about the increase in the number of infections.

9.15 am: Health Minister Jens Spahn expressed “very concerned” about the sharp increase in the number of infections. In Berlin, for example, there is sometimes “carefree and ignorant behavior” on the part of the people, which is why he welcomes the new measures taken by the Berlin Senate.

Overall, Germany has so far weathered the pandemic well compared to other European countries. “The health system can handle it very well.” Therefore, one can be confident. Now there are more knowledge and tools to fight the virus.

To keep development in check, it is a fair balance of trust due to the crisis that has been well mastered so far, but also vigilance and mindfulness. Still dependent on distance, hygiene rules and masks, now in the cold season supplemented with ventilation and the widest possible use of the warning app.

Infectiologist warns of new bottlenecks in German hospitals

9.15 am: In view of the increasing number of infections, experts believe that there is a growing risk of bottlenecks in hospitals in Germany. Although mild progressions predominate, one is preparing “for a new wave of patients who are seriously ill,” said Susanne Herold, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Giessen University Hospital, at the press conference with the federal health minister. Jens Spahn (CDU).

470 Covid 19 patients are currently being treated in intensive care units in Germany. Doctors expected a significant increase in this number, because doctors feared that the total number of infections will also increase significantly in the near future, Herold said.

For clinics the following applies: Rooms must be created for new patients. Elective operations, that is, interventions that are not as urgent, may have to be canceled again. Herold hopes that people will take the danger seriously “so we don’t get into this situation.” Herold also explained that, compared to the start of the pandemic, several effective therapeutic options had been added that could alleviate the course of the disease.

According to the National Association of Statutory Medical Insurance Doctors, currently 8,500 beds are free for intensive care patients, which exceeds the total capacity of Italy and Spain. There is also an emergency reserve of around 12,000 beds that could be used.

Chancellor Chief Braun sees the classic start of a second wave

9.10 am: Chancellery Minister Helge Braun speaks of the beginning of a second wave of infections in view of the significantly higher number of infections. In some large cities you can see not only that the incidence of 50 will be exceeded, “but we also see that the numbers are increasing very, very quickly,” he said on RTL / ntv. “This means that contact tracing in health authorities may no longer work in some places, and this is the classic start of a second wave.” If the numbers continue to increase rapidly, “then we will lose control of the number of infections and then we can only stop it by taking very drastic measures.”

Infection code in Hagen and Wuppertal over 50 years

8.30 am: Also in Hagen and Wuppertal, the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a week has exceeded the decisive threshold of 50. According to the latest survey by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the value in Hagen, which has around 190,000 inhabitants, is 56.2. In the RKI overview, Hamm (77.8) and Remscheid (59.3) are still shown with values ​​above 50. For values ​​above 50, the North Rhine-Westphalia authorities should impose more restrictions on public life .

The city of Wuppertal, which has more than 360,000 inhabitants, also announced on its website that the value of 50 had been exceeded on Wednesday night. A spokesman for the city reported in the morning that the value of the so-called 7-day incidence was 53.24. The crisis team is discussing new measures.

Since the end of September, the numbers in Wuppertal have increased again. The city spokesman for the German press agency said a party in the student garage was considered a central event, in which more than 50 people celebrated.

In general, the number of new corona infections in North Rhine-Westphalia has increased in recent days. On Wednesday, the State Health Center reported 25.4 new infections per 100,000 residents across the country in seven days, as many as the last time in mid-April. According to RKI figures, NRW was at the top of all German territorial states on Wednesday.

The fall of the German tourism industry eased somewhat in August

8.30 am: The fall in German tourism in the August holiday month was significantly less than the previous one. 49.6 million overnight stays were registered, 14.2 percent less than in the same month last year, according to the Federal Statistical Office. In June there was a decrease of about 42 percent and in July of about 23 percent. In August, the number of foreign guests dropped by 56 percent to 4.7 million. However, the number of overnight stays by local guests was just under 45 million, just 4.7 percent below the previous year’s level.

In the first eight months of the year, hoteliers, pensions and other accommodation providers had to endure a decline of 37 percent. Only the number of foreign guests dropped by almost 60 percent due to travel restrictions related to the pandemic.

More than 36.15 million infected people worldwide

8:08 am: More than 36.15 million people worldwide are known to be infected. This is the result of a Reuters poll based on official data. After that, 1,052,602 people died with or from the virus. The virus has spread to more than 210 countries and territories since the first cases were known in China in December.

4,058 new cases in Germany

8.00 am: The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reports 4,058 new cases in Germany. According to the RKI, the total number of those who tested positive is 310,144. According to the institute, the number of deaths increased by 16 to 9,578.

Icon: The mirror
