Coronavirus News on Monday: The most important developments regarding Sars-Cov-2 and Covid-19


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United States Vice President Pence in Self-Isolation

01:03: United States Vice President Mike Pence has isolated himself after a White House employee tested positive for the coronavirus, Bloomberg and AP news agencies report, citing a statement from the spokesman for Pence, Devin O’Malley. The first tests at Pence were, therefore, negative.

On Friday, United States President Donald Trump announced that Penn spokeswoman Katie Miller had tested positive for the virus. Trump said he was not in contact with Miller, but Pence did. The spokeswoman is also married to White House executive adviser Stephen Miller.

The prominent adviser and immunologist of the United States government, Anthony Fauci, had previously been in quarantine. However, it was a low-risk contact, Fauci told CNN.

MPs warn of radicalization of crown protests

00:24: After nationwide protests against restrictions on the crown crisis, MPs have warned of a radicalization of the protest. “It is legitimate and evident in a democracy to question measures and express resentment,” said Green Group vice leader Konstantin von Notz of the “world.” “But everyone who runs and fundamentally questions the system and thinks that the politicians as a whole are puppets of George Soros and Bill Gates.”

SPD internal politician Ute Vogt spoke of “food found for the right.” They tried to take advantage of dissatisfaction with the conditions of the crown crisis, he told the newspaper. The chairman of the interior ministers’ conference, Georg Maier (SPD), recalled the racially motivated attack in Hanau. “We saw in Hanau that someone killed others because, among other things, they were radicalized through conspiracy theories,” he said.

Spahn demands constant action on the site

00:11: Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) has called on state and municipal authorities to take consistent measures in the fight against the coronavirus. “We need the brave and comprehensive approach on site,” Spahn said in the ZDF’s “Today Journal”. It is very important to quickly understand all infections and isolate contacts. Only if the counties acted immediately, could the numbers be prevented from increasing again across the country.

The federal government largely gave federal states a free hand last week to relax crown requirements. However, one type of emergency mechanism was agreed: according to this, strict restrictions should be applied again in the region in question if more than 50 new infections are registered for every 100,000 inhabitants in a week.

There are now five locations in Germany that exceed this limit: the city of Rosenheim in Bavaria, the rural districts of Greiz and Sonneburg in Thuringia, Coesfeld in North Rhine-Westphalia, and Steinburg in Schleswig-Holstein.

Justice Minister Lambrecht: Better justify crown restrictions

00:01: Federal Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD) has called on policy makers to better justify restrictions on fundamental rights in the fight against the crown pandemic. It is important to listen to citizens’ concerns and concerns about the restrictions, “and not just dismiss them,” Lambrecht said in the ARD “Berlin Report”. Justifying measures against the pandemic is “a task that we have to do even more.”

At the same time, the SPD politician defended the current restrictions. It is not about “depriving anyone of liberty, it is about protecting health and life,” he said. “And don’t play frivolously what we have accomplished now.”

The Minister of Justice emphasized in the ARD that the current restrictions on fundamental rights are limited in time and that the state should no longer maintain them as absolutely necessary. She was “glad that meetings are now possible again,” “especially at such a difficult time.”

Icon: The Mirror
