Coronavirus News: Nursing Home Employees Accidentally Receive Five Times The Vaccine Dose


Austria ski areas sharpen safety concept after rush to +++ Hospitals in southern England under pressure +++ Spahn against special rights for vaccinated people +++ News about the coronavirus pandemic in the star symbol.

Preparation error: nursing home employees receive five times the vaccine dose

Due to individual errors in vaccine preparation, eight employees of a Stralsund nursing home received five times the dose of the corona vaccine. After Sunday’s incident, the seven women and one man were sent home. As Vorpommern-Rügen district administrator Stefan Kerth (SPD) said on Monday, four of the eight affected people have been admitted to a hospital for observation as a precaution. They showed flu-like symptoms.

The district reported in its announcement that, according to information from manufacturer Biontech, larger doses of the vaccine had already been tested on test subjects in the phase 1 study without serious consequences. No permanent adverse events were reported. Local injection site reactions and flu-like symptoms are dose dependent and generally mild to moderate and transient.

A Biontech spokeswoman confirmed this information. In tests, amounts up to 100 micrograms were administered without serious consequences. The usual vaccine dose is 30 micrograms. He referred to your company’s detailed product information. The first sentence reads: “This is a multi-dose vial, the contents of which must be diluted before use.”

Ministry calls hikers after Black Forest fever

In view of the sometimes chaotic conditions caused by numerous hikers around Christmas, especially in the Black Forest, the State Health Ministry has called for restraint in the upcoming long weekend. “We call on people not to go on day trips and not to run out of existing rules,” a spokesman for the Baden-Württemberg ministry said on Monday. He noted that the relaxation of exit restrictions for private gatherings only applies during the Christmas holidays. Even on New Years Eve, New Years and weekends, outdoor sports and exercise are only allowed during the day alone, with members of your own household, or with another person who does not live in the same household.

A tightening of the crown’s rules is not currently planned, especially for the upcoming long weekend (holiday), the spokesman said.

Austria’s ski areas improve their safety concept after the rush

Some ski areas in Austria are fine-tuning their concept of safety after the sometimes heavy weekend rush. This included an additional limitation of parking spaces, more space to queue and more administrators, the state of Upper Austria announced. In the local Hinterstoder, Wurzeralm and Kasberg ski areas there was a big fever on Sunday when the weather was nice.

High corona numbers: hospitals in southern England under pressure

Due to the sharp increase in the number of new corona infections, space in British hospitals is becoming tight. Clinics are packed “wall-to-wall” with Covid-19 patients, said the director of the emergency medical association RCEM, Katherine Henderson of the BBC. There are patients with corona symptoms and patients with other diseases who would later test positive for corona as well, he said. According to the latest government figures, more than 22,000 corona patients are being treated in hospitals.

More than 19 million corona infections in the US

In the United States, more than 19 million people have been infected with the coronavirus since the pandemic began. On Sunday, there were 150,094 new infections and 1209 deaths with a confirmed coronavirus infection in one day, according to data from Johns Hopkins University (JHU) in Baltimore on Monday. The significantly lower values ​​are probably due to reduced testing capabilities during the Christmas holidays.

RKI reports 10,976 new corona infections, death toll exceeds 30,000

The number of people who died with or from the corona virus exceeded the 30,000 limit in Germany. Health authorities reported 348 more deaths in 24 hours; the number rose to 30,126, as announced by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Monday morning. Additionally, 10,976 new corona infections were reported.

The number of new infected people and victims is only partially comparable to the values ​​of the previous week, as the RKI expected fewer tests and fewer reports from health authorities during the holidays and at the end of the year. Exactly a week ago, 16,643 new infections were reported in one day. The highest number of deaths of 952 was recorded on December 16.

The number of new infections reported to health authorities in seven days per 100,000 inhabitants (incidence in seven days) was 157.8 on Monday morning. Its previous high was reached last Tuesday at 197.6. However, the differences between federal states are huge: the highest incidences on Monday were Saxony with 371.3 and Thuringia with 288.2, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania had the lowest value with 77.0. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the RKI has counted 1,651,834 infections detected with Sars-CoV-2 in Germany (as of December 28, 00:00 am). The RKI stated the number of those who had recovered at around 1,255,700. According to the RKI report on Sunday, the seven-day national R-value was 0.83 (Saturday: 0.89). This R-value means that 100 infected people theoretically infect 83 more people.

Spahn against the special rights of vaccinated people

The Federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn (CDU), has spoken out against the special rights of vaccinated people. “Many wait in solidarity so that some can get vaccinated first. And those who have not yet been vaccinated hope that those vaccinated will be solidarity patients,” Spahn told the newspapers of the Funke media group (Monday).

“No one should claim special rights until everyone has had a chance to get vaccinated.” This mutual respect holds the nation together. “We are fighting the pandemic together, and we will only overcome it together.” Over the weekend, vaccinations against the corona virus began in Germany. Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) also spoke out against special rights.

South Africa surpasses 1 million in corona cases

South Africa was the first country on the continent to exceed one million verified cases of corona. Africa’s most numerically affected country has documented 1,004,413 cases since March amid a second wave of infections, as the Health Ministry announced Sunday night. A new variant of the Sars-CoV-2 virus is circulating in South Africa, which is seen as the engine of the new wave of infections. As a result, the rate of spread has increased. Since the mutated virus was announced, many countries have imposed restrictions on travelers from South Africa.

Education ministers want to meet for school lessons in the coming days

The ministers of education of the federal states want to discuss in the coming days how to continue with school lessons. The president of the KMK, Stefanie Hubig (SPD), announced this Monday night in a podcast of the publishing network that the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK) on the situation of schools will meet before the round of country leaders with Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) scheduled for January 5. Germany (RND). When deciding on school lessons, it should be taken into account how the corona infection figures would have developed by then, said Hubig, the Rhineland-Palatinate education minister.

Lindner calls for a “crisis production” of the corona vaccine

After the start of corona vaccines in Germany, there is a growing demand for a significant acceleration in vaccine production. FDP chief Christian Lindner said Sunday night on the “Bild” newspaper’s Internet program that in the current crisis situation, a “crisis production” of the vaccine was needed. All legal, economic, political and technological prerequisites must be created so that vaccination can take place more quickly.

“It is a question of life and death, a question of our freedom, and it is a question of survival for our economy as well. Because he is already in the intensive care unit,” Lindner said. Specifically, the president of the FDP suggested that the vaccine from the Mainz company Biontech and its American partner Pfizer may be produced under license by other manufacturers.

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