Coronavirus news Monday: all developments on Covid-19 and Sars-CoV-2 at a glance


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Prince William was infected with coronavirus in April

03.15 am: At a time similar to that of his father, Prince Charles, Prince William became infected with Covid-19 in April. British media reported on Sunday, citing Kensington Palace sources.

According to the British newspaper “The Sun”, Prince William, Queen Elizabeth’s grandson, kept the diagnosis to himself because he did not want to disturb the country. He was being treated by palace doctors and had followed government guidelines by entering home quarantine at his home in Comments Hall, Norfolk, the newspaper reported.

The residence of Prince Charles announced on March 25 that he had tested positive for the corona virus. The heir to the throne had been isolated at his residence in Scotland for seven days and was reportedly showing only mild symptoms.

Spahn has 290 million masks sent to care centers

1.30 am: Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn wants 290 million masks shipped from federal stocks to nursing homes and outpatient services. As the Funke Mediengruppe newspapers report, the around 33,000 care centers across the country will receive a total of nearly 100,000 packages, each containing 1,000 high-quality FFP2 masks for staff and 2,000 simple surgical masks for those in need of care and your visitors.

According to the Health Ministry, the mask aid packages come from federal government stocks that were purchased in the first phase of the pandemic, as the report says. “The successful procurement efforts open up a scope that I would like to use to specifically and additionally support care facilities with the supply of protective masks,” Funke-Blätter quotes from a letter from Spahn to care facilities.

Trump plans an election party with 400 guests at the White House

1:25 am: Despite all the warnings from health authorities about the risks of large concentrations, Donald Trump has scheduled a large election party at the White House. About 400 guests are expected in the east wing of the government headquarters on election night Nov. 3, government circles said Sunday. All guests would have to undergo a crown test beforehand.

Trump had already invited a grand event in the White House rose garden at the nomination event for controversial new Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett. The Sept. 26 ceremony turned out to be a so-called “super spread event” in which Trump and his wife Melania, as well as many other government employees, were infected with the virus.

Boris Palmer advises older people in Tübingen not to take the bus

1:15 am: The Mayor of Tübingen, Boris Palmer (Greens), has asked the elderly in his city not to use the city bus in view of the increasing number of corona infections. “Like Sweden, Tübingen’s appeal is based on personal responsibility and special protection for the elderly,” he told the “Bild” newspaper. In the pandemic, Sweden had relied mainly on voluntary precautionary measures, which were primarily aimed at older citizens. Seniors must take essential trips in a shared taxi, Palmer says.

“We ask all who are fit enough not to use the bus but the bicycle, even if it is colder now,” the appeal continues. Furthermore, the youngest of Tübingen should not go shopping between 9.30 am and 11.00 am and leave this time for the elderly. All Tübingen people over 65 must also receive high-quality FFP2 masks free of charge.

Hospital chief expects record for intensive care patients

12:40 am: The director of the German Hospital Society, Gerald Gaß, expects a record for intensive care patients in Germany in view of the increasing number of people infected with corona.

Gaß told the newspaper “Bild”: “In two or three weeks we will exceed the maximum number of intensive care patients from April, and we can no longer avoid it. Anyone who is hospitalized with us in three weeks is already infected today.” . “Unfortunately, that is the realistic prognosis, Gass said. He also announced that the nursing staff from the non-intensive medicine areas would also be deployed to the intensive care units.” That, of course, is not ideal, but it is justified in such an exceptional situation, “he said.

WHO quarantine chief at home

12:25 am: The Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, enters home isolation after contact with an infected person. “I was identified as the contact person for someone who tested positive for Covid-19. I am healthy and symptom-free, but I will self-quarantine and work from home in the next few days according to WHO protocols,” writes the head of WHO on Twitter.

Spahn swears to the population “national effort in November”

00:05 am: Immediately before the November partial shutdown, Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn vowed to the Germans “months of restrictions and resignation” in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Even if public life resumes in a few weeks, severe restrictions could threaten again. “No one can rule out that it does not happen again at some point in the sequence,” the CDU politician said Sunday night in the ZDF “heute-journal.” Germany is in a “situation of the century” due to the crisis of the crown.

Spahn, who suffers from Covid-19, said he was personally fine; has been symptom free for days. You don’t know where it got infected. Like him, hundreds of thousands in Germany are currently in quarantine. He thanked everyone who stayed home to protect others.

Whether the infection figures rise again after the partial blockade “depends on all of us,” he emphasized. If the rules expire after November, it doesn’t mean that “everyone can have fun again.”

Icon: The mirror
