Coronavirus: New Rules in Germany: Measures for Returning Travelers, Masked Fines, Major Events


  • Felix durach

    ofFelix durach


At today’s federal and state conference, Chancellor Angela Merkel and prime ministers decided on new crown measures.

  • The federal and state governments joined forces Thursday phone conference known and new Crown*-Activities decided.
  • Among other things, it should Big events will remain prohibited until the end of the year.
  • However, there is no uniform solution for the maximum Number of participants private Celebrate.

Berlin – today Federal-state conference With Angela Merkel and the prime minister of the federal states became the most Crown schedule decided for the next few months. There are numerous changes. We have also summarized all the important information for you.

Merkel’s new crown rules for Germany: minimum fine for mask requirement violations

The federal and state governments have agreed to comply with the Mask requirement to take action. At the national level Minimum fine in the amount of 50 euros decided that violations of the Mask requirement it expires. Only Saxony-Anhalt, represented at the conference by Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU), does not want to support the regulation. He had his aversion to regulation recorded in a memo. In some countries like Bavaria or Berlin this is penalty fee for violations of the Mask requirement already more than 50 euros.

Also, it should be a Change of law give so that the employees of the bus and train companies against the travelers without Mouth and nose protection are on the way, they may impose a higher transportation fee. Then could he Mask requirement It can also be better enforced on public transport by ticket inspectors, among others.

New Merkel crown rules for Germany: big events banned until the end of the year

The prohibition of Big events how Sports events, Folk and shooting concerts or festivals will run until December 31, 2020. However, there may also be exceptions for regions where the Infection numbers* Stay within a certain framework if you can guarantee that the event participants will also come from this region. About the approval of Carnival events or Christmas markets However, it should be decided separately at a later date.

New Merkel crown rules for Germany: no free tests for returnees from risk-free areas

With the end of the Summer Vacation in all federal states free trials for Participants finish in safe areas. The federal and state governments have agreed to this.

New rules of Merkel’s crown for Germany: the government asks citizens not to travel to risk areas

Also for Return travel outside Risk areas There are changes? As of October 1, travelers from risk areas must enter a period of 14 days quarantine They have to go. the Mandatory tests at airports it will be abolished. Returning travelers can do this quarantine at least after five days by providing evidence of a Coronavirus testing dissolve. In general, the federal and state governments have again explicitly called on the population to do so risk areas travel.

Merkel’s new crown rules for Germany: parents have five more days with a sick child

Statutory insured persons with the right to Child sickness benefit it’s supposed to be an extra five days care, support of a sick
Boy. Single parents should have an additional ten days for this. The federal government should regulate this accordingly by law.

New Merkel Crown Rules for Germany: No Agreement on Private Celebrations

Obviously, there is no uniform solution for the maximum Number of participants private Celebrate. Here the conference participants could not count on a Upper limit Some. Citizens are asked to critically weigh in each individual case whether, how and to what extent Celebrations they are necessary and justifiable. Therefore, the Prime Ministers have opposed an express wish of the Chancellor raised. Angela Merkel wanted to avoid a patchwork of regulations.

Angela Merkel will speak again on Friday (August 28). Then the traditional summer PK is on the agenda. fd * is part of the national network of Ippen-Digital publishers

Header listing image: © MICHELE TANTUSSI / POOL / AFP
