Coronavirus: more than 13,000 new infections in 24 hours: France records a new record


foreign countries Coronavirus

More than 13,000 new infections in 24 hours: France sets a new record

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Coronavirus - France Coronavirus - France

In some cities in France, people have to readjust to restrictions

Source: dpa / Ludovic Marin

In France, the number of coronavirus cases is skyrocketing. The number of deaths is also increasing. The rules are getting stricter in many departments. In another neighboring country to Germany, the figures are also at a record level.

FFrance has set a new record for new infections. 13,498 corona cases were added in 24 hours, as announced by the Health Ministry on Saturday night. The number of deaths increased by 26 to 31,274. In the last seven days, 3,853 Covid-19 patients arrived at the hospital, 593 of them in intensive care units.

In the fight against the increase in the number of crown, more and more cities and departments impose stricter rules. From Monday, in the department of Indre-et-Loire, in the center of the country, dance evenings and evenings organized by student communities, as well as aperitifs, drinks and refreshments while standing, are prohibited. Food plates for several are also prohibited, bars in closed rooms without seats remain, as the responsible prefecture announced on Saturday.

Toulouse, Nice, Bordeaux and Marseille have already introduced similar rules.

The biggest increase since May also in Great Britain

The countries of Germany reported record values ​​over the weekend. Authorities in Denmark recorded the highest daily value of new infections since the start of the pandemic on Saturday. 589 new cases were confirmed, according to figures from the Danish health institute SSI.

New record also in Poland: here the authorities registered 1,002 new infections in 24 hours, as announced on Saturday by the Warsaw Ministry of Health.

With 2046 new coronavirus infections, the Czech Republic has somewhat less than the previous one, but at the same time a maximum value for weekends when fewer tests are usually carried out. The total number of confirmed cases amounted to 48,306, according to data from the Ministry of Health. In the Czech Republic, the number of infections has increased enormously recently. In terms of the total population of 10.7 million people, only Spain and France in the European Union have seen a greater increase in the last two weeks.

Cases are also increasing in other EU countries. The British Health Minister, Matt Hancock, warned the population to comply with the protection measures of the crown before the sharp increase in the number of infections. “The nation is facing a tipping point and we have a choice,” he told Sky News on Sunday. “The option is for everyone to obey the rules … or we have to take more action.” On Saturday, authorities recorded the largest increase since May 8, with 4,422 new infections.

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In Madrid, the Spanish capital, the increasing number of new infections is leading to new restrictions. Starting Monday, six districts and seven surrounding municipalities will be partially cordoned off to contain the pandemic. Then it can only be entered or left for urgent matters such as work, doctor visits, school or after a subpoena from the judiciary. According to Friday, in Spain almost 14,400 new infections were registered in 24 hours.
