Coronavirus: Markus Söder warns of a second lockdown


After negotiations by the federal and state governments on new measures in the crown crisis, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) warned against a new blockade. “In fact, we are much closer to the second blockade than we want to admit,” he told a press conference after the meeting of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the prime minister of the federal states.

“Maybe it wasn’t five minutes to twelve anymore, but twelve” to avoid this, Söder said. Otherwise, the economy and society are threatened with “major damage”.

Merkel also warned against underestimating the corona virus. “If you ask me what worries me, then that is the exponential increase. And we have to stop it. Otherwise, it will not end well,” said the chancellor.

He appealed to the population to support the measures. “Personally, I simply believe that we have the means to counter the virus and deal with it.” It is a huge challenge that could have many implications for health, the economy and also for young people, Merkel said.

Merkel attracts the young

Therefore, he calls on young people to give up some parties and parties now, “to live well tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.” The Chancellor also asked citizens to avoid unnecessary travel to and from areas within Germany with a high number of corona infections.

However, the federal and state governments were unable to agree on a unified course for the controversial lodging ban. Merkel said she thinks it makes sense to wait until after the fall break and gain experience. But he said at the same time that there was still a lot of work to be done. Traveling brings with it many contacts. You have the means to counter the virus and deal with it. Merkel spoke of a “challenge of the century.”

New infections on the rise

The number of corona cases in Germany is increasing dramatically. As of Wednesday morning, the number of new infections rose to 5,132, about 1,000 more than the day before. On Wednesday of last week, health authorities had informed the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) of 2,828 new infections. The last time the numbers were as high as they are now was in mid-April.

However, the current values ​​cannot be compared with the spring figures. Now many more tests are being done, so more infections are being discovered. The RKI cautions however. In a statement, the institute wrote: “Currently, an accelerated increase in transmissions can be observed in the population in Germany.” This applies to all age groups. “Therefore, an urgent appeal is made to the entire population to commit to protection against infections,” he said.
