Coronavirus Live Ticker: The situation on Wednesday, November 18 | – news


In the live ticker, will inform you today about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and Hamburg. You can do what happened yesterday on Tuesday’s blog Read.

The essentials in brief:

  • 294 new corona cases found in Schleswig-Holstein
  • Robert Koch Institute reports 17,561 new infections nationwide
  • Coronavirus update: New podcast episode with Sandra Ciesek

Overview: Tables, Maps and Charts of Corona in the North
Background: come on
different case numbers terms

07:25 am

5,000 employees and more infection protection for schools in Lower Saxony

The state of Lower Saxony wants to invest 45 million euros in crown protection. With 25 million euros, around 5,000 educational employees will be hired at a rate of 450 euros for six months. According to the Minister of Culture, Grand Hendrik Tonne (SPD), there is 20 million euros available for protection against infections.

More information

A mouth and nose mask hangs from a table in the classroom.  © picture alliance / imageBROKER Photography: Michael Weber

The money is intended for personnel and infection protection measures, Education Minister Tonne said at the press conference. more

06:33 am

17,561 new infections reported nationwide

In Germany, health authorities reported a total of 17,561 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in 24 hours. That’s a good 3,100 more cases than the day before, but almost 1,000 fewer cases than a week ago.

6:00 am.

294 new corona cases in Schleswig-Holstein

According to the state government, 294 new corona cases have been reported in Schleswig-Holstein compared to the previous day. That’s almost three times more than the day before (100). The number was equally high on Friday of last week. No new deaths were reported, their number remains at 227. According to the information, 145 Covid-19 patients are currently being treated in the Schleswig-Holstein hospitals, on Monday there were 148.

6:00 am.

Vote on the new regulations of the Infection Protection Law

Ahead of today’s vote on the planned new regulations of the Infection Protection Act, the Berlin police are preparing for demonstrations and possibly violent protests by opponents. Several meetings scheduled in front of the Bundestag cannot take place there. Members of the Bundestag were also bombarded with thousands of critical spam emails. Representatives of the ruling parties strongly rejected the comparisons between the Infection Protection Act and the so-called Enabling Act of 1933. At the time, the Reichstag had stripped itself of its power and transferred the legislation to Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler .

A computer keyboard and an envelope.  © imago / INSADCO

AUDIO: Spam emails clog the Bundestag (3 min)

6:00 am.

Lower Saxony state parliament committee advises on trade fairs and airports

The budget committee of the state parliament in Hannover wants to discuss the threatening financial situation at the Lower Saxony Messe holdings and Hannover airport at noon. Both companies had recently come under increased pressure due to the breakdown of events and renewed restricted travel in the partial Corona lockdown.

6:00 am.

All-day expert hearing at Kiel state parliament on the corona pandemic

Members of the Kiel state parliament asked ten experts from medicine, business, justice and also a crisis researcher about strategies to cope with the corona pandemic. Members of the state parliament can now do a quick crown test before meetings in the plenary hall. The possibility is not only accepted with approval.

VIDEO: Members of the state parliament get a free crown test (2 min)

05:45 am

NDR Newsletter – Always Well Informed

With the NDR newsletter you will keep up to date with the coronavirus pandemic. From Monday to Friday we group the most important events of the day and explain the new scientific discoveries. The next issue is this afternoon. You can find information on how to subscribe to the newsletter for free here.

More information

Electronic symbol of an envelope.  © panthermedia Photo: Stuart Miles

Especially in times of the corona pandemic, remains your trusted source for information. The NDR newsletter keeps you updated on events from a northern perspective. More

05:40 am

Corona articles from state magazines

NDR television again reported yesterday evening on the consequences of the crown crisis for northern Germany. Here is a selection of the videos:

05:40 am

Ciesek: school children can transmit the corona virus

Virologist Sandra Ciesek emphasizes in the new “Coronavirus Update” podcast episode that children of different ages have very different infection rates. This point is important in the current discussion about how classes should be kept in schools in the winter months and whether kindergartens may have to close again.

More information

Virologist Prof. Dr.  Sandra Ciesek © University Hospital Frankfurt Photo: Ellen Lewis

The number of corona infections is very high, especially among adolescents and young adults, says virologist Ciesek. more

05:30 am

Welcome to the live ticker on Wednesday is also reporting today on the effects of the corona pandemic in northern Germany. In the live ticker you will find all the important news, as well as the content of NDR radio and television programs.

A.M Tuesday there were 1,747 new confirmed infections in northern Germany: in Hamburg 424 (previous week: 422), in Lower Saxony 944 (previous week: 1,163), in Schleswig-Holstein 100 (215), in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 156 (130), in Bremen 123 (119) and throughout the country 14,419 (15,332)

FAQ, podcast and background

Researchers in white coats climb a mountain with a syringe on top.

When is a corona vaccine available? Who will get it first? The NDR reports on current developments in the search for a vaccine. more

Crown numbers for Northern Germany

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Virologist Prof. Christian Drosten and virologist Prof. Sandra Ciesek (Editing) © picture alliance / dpa, Frankfurt University Hospital Photo: Christophe Gateau,

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A pensive woman is sitting at a table with headphones on.  © imago images / Westend61

Until now, home insulation could be avoided with a negative corona test. Now it’s at least five days. more

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A man holds a mask in front of his face.  © Brilliant Eye / Photo: Brilliant Eye /

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