Coronavirus Live Ticker: The situation on Wednesday, November 11 | – news


In the live ticker, will inform you today about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and Hamburg. You can read yesterday’s news in our blog on Tuesday Read.

The essentials in brief:

  • 11.11.: Fools in Braunschweig plan a small login
  • 450 people demonstrate in Schwerin against Corona requirements
  • 252 newly infected people in Schleswig-Holstein, nearly 18,500 new cases nationwide

Overview: Tables, Maps and Charts of Corona in the North
Background: come on
different case numbers terms

8:26 am

Difficult situation for nursing homes

In nursing homes and nursing homes, the concern about coronavirus infection is particularly great because the elderly and sick are more likely to become seriously ill. Therefore, most institutions severely limit external contact. Many residents are missing out on family visits and the opportunity to go abroad. A report.

An elderly man drives his wheelchair down a hallway in a nursing home.  © picture alliance / Paul Zinken / dpa Photo: Paul Zinken

AUDIO: Consequences of Corona isolation for nursing homes (4 min)

8:05 am

Almost 18,500 new corona infections in Germany

Health authorities reported around 18,500 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute in 24 hours. That’s about 3,300 more cases than Tuesday and about 1,300 more than Wednesday a week ago, according to RKI information. The previous high was reached on Saturday with just under 23,400 registered cases. The number of deaths increased by 261. According to the RKI, a total of 11,767 people died in connection with a corona infection in Germany.

07:14 am

Wulff calls for faster help for choirs in pandemic

Former Federal President Christian Wulff calls for more help for choirs in the crown pandemic. “Above all, many independent choir conductors are in dire straits,” said Wulff as president of the German Choir Association of the “Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung”. They could not give concerts with their choirs. “We are pushing for the payment of the billion euros that were available for culture at the federal level,” said Wulff. For the culture, it is “very, very bitter” that the area is now completely closed for the second time due to Corona, Wulff said. “If everyone had been as responsible as theaters, concert halls and museums were in the weeks between the first and second phase of closure, we would not have needed the closure of the second part.”

6:52 am

Demonstration against the crown measures with 450 participants in Schwerin

In Schwerin, around 450 people from different federal states demonstrated against the crown restrictions on Tuesday night. During the protests at Bertha-Klingenberg-Platz, banners were seen with words such as “Stop the terror of the test” and “No one will forbid us to breathe freely.” According to the police, the distances were barely observed and the protesters did not wear masks. Officers were on the scene with 130 emergency services. The city had approved two smaller demonstrations against crown restrictions after banning a protest action with up to 100,000 registered participants per order.

More information

In the dark, a speaker stands in front of a banner, in front of which are some participants of the demonstration.  © NDR Photo: NDR

Among the protesters were five people from the group of “lateral thinkers”, who had organized a police operation in the Neustrelitz area on Tuesday. more

06:34 am

Bremen: the left wants more education in the poorest areas of the city

In Bremen, the rise in corona infections mainly affects the poorer parts of the city. In these neighborhoods, more education and prevention should be sought, said the co-chair of the left-wing parliamentary group in the Bremen parliament, Nelson Janßen. The load of neighborhoods like Tenever or Gröpelingen “unfortunately is not a surprise”. Health indicators have been worse for years, Janßen told dpa. Since the end of October, the state of Bremen has had the highest infection rate of any country, with 200 or more confirmed infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a week. The poorest areas of the city with reduced living conditions and a high proportion of migrants are more affected than others, said Health Senator Claudia Bernhard (Linke).

6:00 am.

Could intensive care units be overloaded soon?

Researchers at the University of Saarbrücken used a mathematical model to calculate that soon there will be no more free intensive care beds if the infection rate does not decrease significantly.

VIDEO: Covid-19: When are intensive care units overloaded? (6 min)

05:55 am

Brunswick fools celebrate in a small group

In view of the crown pandemic, the Brunswick fools want to stage a princely proclamation in today’s “smaller circle.” The opening speeches for the session will be displayed on the Internet.

More information

A carnival has a fool's cap in hand.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Peter Steffen

Speeches by Mayor Markurth and committee spokesperson Radke are streamed from the old town hall on the Internet. more

05:55 am

Lower Saxony state parliament debates crown in schools

On the second day of their meeting, the state parliament in Hannover will discuss how to deal with the corona epidemic today. These are schools and collective accommodation, for example for refugees and employees of the meat industry.

05:53 am

The Corona strategy worries citizens

The correct strategy to contain the corona pandemic is the focus of the Hamburg citizenship today. A debate proposed by the governing group of the Greens is titled “Only strong together: with courage, reason and solidarity through the pandemic.” The CDU parliamentary group then wants to address crisis management for schools. She sees “Hamburg’s open flank in the crown pandemic” and accuses the red-green of “losing an enormous amount of trust between teachers, students and parents.” In the debate part of the meeting, among other things, are on the agenda the strengthening of the health service and the demands for the implementation of a hybrid winter semester in the universities.

05:48 am

252 newly infected people in Schleswig-Holstein

In Schleswig-Holstein, the number of Covid-19 patients has increased by 252 compared to the previous day to a total of 10,464. Most of the new infections are in Lübeck (+56), in the Stormarn district (+37) and in Pinneberg (+36). Currently 116 people are receiving treatment in hospitals across the country. The number of those who died increased from three to a total of 208.

05:44 am

Corona articles from state magazines

NDR television again reported yesterday evening on the consequences of the crown crisis for northern Germany. Here is a selection of the videos:

05:40 am

Welcome to the live ticker on Wednesday is reporting again today on the effects of the corona pandemic in northern Germany. In the live ticker you will find all the important news, as well as the content of NDR radio and television programs.

Crown numbers in northern Germany from Tuesday: 1,163 new confirmed cases in Lower Saxony, 422 in Hamburg, 215 in Schleswig-Holstein, 130 in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and 119 in the state of Bremen, a total of 2,049.

FAQ, podcast and background

Researchers in white coats climb a mountain with a syringe on them.

Researchers from around the world are working hard on a coronavirus vaccine. The NDR reports on current developments and provides an overview of the status of the investigation. more

Crown numbers for Northern Germany

Automated Charts: How Many Covid-19 Patients Are in Intensive Care Units? The current state of the occupation. more

Virologist Prof. Christian Drosten and virologist Prof. Sandra Ciesek (montage) © picture alliance / dpa, University Hospital Frankfurt Photo: Christophe Gateau,

Here you will find all the episodes streamed so far to read and listen to, as well as a scientific glossary and much more. more

Different images with

In late 2019, a previously unknown lung disease broke out in China and spread across the world. On February 27, the first case occurs in the north. The most important events at a glance. more

A table set in front of a closed restaurant with leaves on the table.  © imago images / Seeliger

To curb the increasing number of corona infections, there are drastic restrictions for citizens. more

A pensive woman is sitting at a table with headphones on.  © imago images / Westend61

Until now, home insulation could be avoided with a negative corona test. Now it’s at least five days. more

A man is standing by the window wearing a face mask © Colourbox

Anyone returning to Germany from a risk area must first quarantine at home. But what does that mean? What are the penalties for infractions? more

A man holds a mask in front of his face.  © Brilliant Eye / Photo: Brilliant Eye /

To slow the spread of the coronavirus, a mask is required in parts of public space in northern Germany. You can find the most important questions and answers here. more

A laboratory assistant sits in front of a microscope in a dark laboratory © Colourbox

The corona pandemic has vastly changed everyday life. The virus has spread. What else is there to consider? What did the research show? Questions and answers about the coronavirus. more

The coronavirus blogs to read

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