Coronavirus Live Ticker: The situation on Thursday, November 5 | – news


In the live ticker, will inform you today about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and Hamburg. Yesterday’s news can be read here.

The essentials in brief:

  • Vacationers should Schleswig-Holstein Y Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania go today
  • Hamburg: protest by restaurant and hotel employees
  • 262 new corona infections in Schleswig-Holstein reported
  • RKI records maximum value in Germany: 19,990 new cases

Overview: Tables, Maps and Charts of Corona in the North
Background: come on
different case numbers terms

8:01 am

Hamburg health authorities complain of quarantine violations

Anyone who has had direct contact with corona-infected people should isolate themselves for at least 14 days. But according to the Hamburg health authorities, the quarantine requirement is increasingly being met with reluctance. Increasingly, those affected are not prepared to isolate themselves. However, the health authorities did not provide specific figures. If you are in officially ordered quarantine, you are not allowed to leave your private place of residence or your property without the express consent of the health department and not have direct contact with other people. Violations can result in fines or imprisonment.

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A man is standing by the window wearing a face mask © Colourbox

Health authorities complain: more people in Hamburg would not be adequately isolated if there was a quarantine obligation. more

07:39 am

Hannover airport will receive aid from public funds

Hannover airport, which was badly affected by the Corona robbery, has the prospect of receiving aid from the state of Lower Saxony. The Finance Ministry said details on possible guarantees for new loans could not yet be provided. In principle, however, the following applies: “The country supports its investments.” According to a report by the “Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung”, Lower Saxony plans to guarantee the airport with up to 21 million euros. The city of Hannover wants to bring the same amount, the private investor Icon Infrastructure is responsible for another 18 million euros. Deutsche Messe AG, which is also badly affected, could also receive loan guarantees, with the city and the country also being shareholders.

6:59 am

262 new corona infections reported in Schleswig-Holstein

In Schleswig-Holstein, 262 new corona infections were reported in one day, as announced by the state government. Most of the new cases were registered in the Pinneberg district (+49), in Lübeck (+33) and in the Stormarn district (+30). The day before, the number of new infections in SH was 236, previously it was 142. The number of deaths related to the virus increased from two to 192 in Schleswig-Holstein.

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In a laboratory, a liquid is dropped into a container with many openings.  © picture alliance Photo: Yomiuri Shimbun AP Images

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 9,093 coronavirus infections have been detected in Schleswig-Holstein. more

6:45 am

Lower Saxony: infections in many elderly people and nursing homes

The number of corona outbreaks in nursing homes and nursing homes in Lower Saxony has continued to increase. Last week, infections were reported in a total of 84 facilities, the Health Ministry in Hannover reported to the German Press Agency. There are currently 372 residents suffering from Covid-19 and 214 employees (as of Wednesday afternoon). From October 28 to November 3, eleven residents died in four affected nursing homes. More recently, the city and district of Hildesheim were particularly affected. In reality, free rapid tests are supposed to prevent outbreaks in homes and clinics in the second wave of the corona pandemic. A new corresponding testing regulation from the Federal Ministry of Health came into force in mid-October.

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A person swabs a throat swab into a test tube.  © Picture Alliance Photo: Hendrik Schmidt

According to the Ministry of Health, 84 homes are affected. More than 370 residents and 200 employees are infected. more

6:21 am

Peak value: 19,990 new corona infections in Germany

The number of new corona infections recorded in Germany has reached a previous high of 19,990 cases in one day. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin reported this early this morning. The RKI reported the highest value since the start of the corona pandemic last Saturday with 19,059 cases. A week ago the figure was 16,774 new infections. The number of deaths related to the virus rose 118 in 24 hours to a total of 10,930.

06:07 am

MV and SH: vacationers have to go

Today, even the last few tourists have to leave their accommodations in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein. The tourist accommodation ban, which runs until the end of November, is part of a partial lockdown decided by the federal and state governments last week to contain corona infections.

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A train goes through a city.  Photo: Simone Steinhardt

Guests can stay in Halligen and the islands until November 5; the North Frisian district fears chaos. more

Schwerin: The entrance to a restaurant in the city center is cordoned off with two stools.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Jens Büttner

Everything you need to know about the current Crown restrictions in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. more

06:03 am

Parents are upset about full school buses

Some parents in Lower Saxony are demanding that more school buses be used during the Corona crisis. This is the only way to guarantee a safe distance while driving.

VIDEO: Overcrowded school buses destroy corona prevention? (1 minute)

6:00 am.

“We have to give up the spoon”: protest by restaurant and hotel employees

This morning, the employees of the hotel and gastronomy companies of Hamburg want to draw attention to their situation in the blockade of the crown part. The food-pleasure-restaurants union (NGG) has called a protest demonstration under the slogan “We have to put down the spoon.” Many employees fear that the closure of businesses in November will result in lost wages, reduced hours or loss of jobs. “And that in an industry that is already heavily affected by low wages,” said the NGG. Extensive compensation has been promised for companies and businesses, “however, the situation of employees is once again ignored.”

05:55 am

Corona reports from state NDR magazines

Also last night, the corona pandemic was a central theme on NDR’s national television shows. Here is a selection of the contributions:

05:47 am live ticker starts Thursday is reporting again today on the effects of the corona pandemic in northern Germany. In the live ticker you will find all the important news, as well as the content of NDR radio and television programs.

Crown numbers in northern Germany since Wednesday: Lower Saxony reported 1,079 new cases, Hamburg 388, Bremen 259, Schleswig-Holstein 236, and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 181.

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