Coronavirus Live Ticker: The situation on Thursday, November 19 | – news


In the live ticker, will inform you today about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and Hamburg.

The essentials in brief:

  • Lower Saxony is planning up to 60 vaccination centers across the country
  • UKE doctor fears third crown wave
  • New infections in the north: Lower Saxony reports 1,527 new cases, Schleswig-Holstein 208 – nationwide there are 22,609 new infections according to the RKI

Overview: Tables, Maps and Charts of Corona in the North
Background: come on
different case numbers terms

10:30 am

Lower Saxony is building up to 60 vaccination centers

Lower Saxony wants to establish up to 60 vaccination centers throughout the country for the upcoming vaccination of large sectors of the population against the corona virus. The Minister of Health, Carola Reimann (SPD), announced in the morning that risk groups and employees of the health system and nursing homes should be vaccinated. Afterwards, the general practitioner practices will take over the vaccinations.

In addition to vaccination centers in districts and large cities, which are supposed to be responsible for around 150,000 people, mobile teams are also being created to vaccinate residents of households. “The locations and the exact number of vaccination centers will emerge in the coming weeks,” said Interior Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD). He talked about a marathon task. Civil protection, aid organizations and the police must participate in the organization.

10:27 am

Lower Saxony reports 1,527 new infections

In Lower Saxony, 1,527 positive corona tests were reported in one day. That’s 207 more than the day before, but 86 less than on Thursday a week ago.

09:12 am

Partial lock: toilet paper is no longer in high demand

Indeed, consumers in Germany increased their supplies of toilet paper, flour and sugar, as well as canned vegetables before the partial shutdown in November, but since the beginning of the renewed restrictions, demand has fallen significantly. Sales figures for hygiene products such as soap, disinfectants and toilet paper from November 2 to 14 were well below the values ​​of the previous two weeks, according to the Federal Statistical Office. Apparently, immediately before the partial closure, the Germans had stocked up on everyday products “to have to go buy less afterwards,” according to statisticians.

09:03 am

UKE doctor fears third crown wave

The director of intensive care medicine at Hamburg Eppendorf University Hospital (UKE), Stefan Kluge, is already warning of a third corona wave. “We will see a yo-yo effect if the numbers go down now and there is a gradual loosening. I’m afraid people will get more reckless again,” Kluge said in an interview with “Hamburger Abendblatt.” In the summer, it took a long time for the numbers to rise again. “But in winter, given the temperatures, people spend a lot more indoors. I’m worried that the third wave will come then, we have to assume that.” Therefore, it is important for everyone to discipline themselves for months, even if it is difficult.

8:26 am

UNICEF: the pandemic affects many children and young people

The children’s aid organization Unicef ​​warns about the main negative consequences of the corona pandemic for children. On the World Day for the Rights of the Child, the United Nations organization calls for the prevention of a “lost generation”. The long-term effects of the pandemic on the education, nutrition and well-being of children and young people could have a lasting impact throughout their lives. According to UNICEF, an analysis of data from 87 countries shows that every ninth infection affects a child or adolescent.

07:02 am

Pediatricians with significantly fewer patients

Due to the corona pandemic, which is once again spreading rapidly, far fewer patients are currently visiting the Hamburg pediatrician’s office than normal in the autumn. “We have 10 to 20 percent fewer patients than usual. Also because people avoid contact,” says pediatrician and cardiologist Stefan Renz. He is the state president of the Hamburg Pediatric Professional Association. Also, there are significantly fewer appointments currently being made due to classic cold infections. “The mask requirement and the fact that there are fewer people has already lowered it significantly,” says Renz.

06:44 am

State elections in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: letter instead of ballot box

The corona virus is increasingly changing everyday life. One measure sounds paradoxical: to ensure a smooth state election, polling stations must remain closed. Instead, the state government wants to rely on voting by mail.

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A poll worker sorts the absentee votes.  © dpa-Bildfunk

If the corona pandemic continues into the fall of 2021, the Schwerin state government wants to rely on voting by mail. more

6:21 am

22,609 new cases of corona nationwide

In Germany, health authorities reported 22,609 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in 24 hours. That’s a good 5,000 more cases than Wednesday (17,561), according to RKI information Thursday morning. A little more cases have been reported compared to a week ago. Last Thursday, the number of new infections reported was 21,866.
The RKI has counted a total of 855,916 proven Sars-CoV-2 infections in Germany since the start of the pandemic. The number of deaths related to the virus increased by 251 through Thursday to a total of 13,370. The RKI estimates that around 562,700 people have recovered.

According to RKI’s situation report on Wednesday night, the so-called seven-day R was 0.95 (previous day: 0.97). This means that, in theory, 100 infected people infect 95 more people. The value represents the onset of the infection 8 to 16 days ago. If it is below 1 for a long time, the infection process subsides.

05:48 am

“November aid”: many questions for companies

Federal financial aid is intended to ensure that businesses directly affected by the November shutdown can survive. But in practice there is a problem with approval and payment, as the examples from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania show.

VIDEO: Corona Financial Aid: Unsolved Businesses (3 min)

05:47 am

NDR Newsletter – Always Well Informed

With the NDR newsletter, you will stay up-to-date with the coronavirus pandemic. From Monday to Friday we group the most important events of the day and explain the new scientific discoveries. The next issue is this afternoon. You can find information on how to subscribe to the newsletter for free here.

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Electronic symbol of an envelope.  © panthermedia Photo: Stuart Miles

Especially in times of the corona pandemic, remains your trusted source for information. The NDR newsletter keeps you up to date on events from a northern view. More

05:47 am

Corona articles from state magazines

NDR television again reported yesterday evening on the consequences of the crown crisis for northern Germany. Here is a selection of the videos:

05:47 am

208 new infections in Schleswig-Holstein

According to the state government, 208 new corona cases were reported in Schleswig-Holstein in one day. The previous day it was 294, before it was 100. The number of reported deaths increased by two to 229. As the state government also announced, 12,120 infections have been detected since the beginning of the pandemic. In the Schleswig-Holstein hospitals, 151 patients with Covid-19 are currently being treated: on Tuesday there were 145, on Monday there were 148.

More information

A person wearing protective clothing and a cotton swab in hand © Colourbox Photo: laurentiu iordache

Since the start of the pandemic, 12,120 coronavirus infections have been detected in Schleswig-Holstein. more

05:47 am

Welcome to the live ticker on Thursday is also reporting today on the effects of the corona pandemic in northern Germany. In the live ticker you will find all the important news, as well as the content of NDR radio and television programs.

A.M Wednesday 2,329 new infections were confirmed in northern Germany: 1,320 in Lower Saxony, 294 in Schleswig-Holstein, 246 in Hamburg, 173 in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and 296 in the state of Bremen.

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