Coronavirus Live Ticker: The situation on Sunday, September 20 | – news


In this live ticker, will inform you today about the consequences of the crown crisis for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Hamburg. You can read the most important Corona news on Saturday here.

The essentials in brief:

  • Many violations of the crown rules are found in Cloppenburg
  • 1,345 new corona infections reported nationwide, 109 in Niedersachsen 17 in Schleswig-Holstein, fifteen in hamburg
  • Reeperbahn Festival Balance in crown condition

Overview: Tables, Maps and Charts of Corona in the North
Background: come on
different case numbers terms

1:42 pm

Occupation freeze for shepherds in Rendsburg-Eckernförde

The Rendsburg-Eckernförde parish synod has decided to freeze all pastors. As a result of the corona pandemic, massive drops in financial resources are to be expected, Propst Sönke Funck said. The occupation freeze will apply until a pastoral staff planning plan is drawn up until 2030 as part of the so-called transformation process. Exceptions should only be made in special cases.

11:56 am

109 new corona cases reported in Lower Saxony

Today 109 new corona infections were officially registered in Lower Saxony. As announced by the state health office, the total number of reported cases in the state has risen to 18,884 since the pandemic began. There have been no more deaths since yesterday. A total of 669 people died in Lower Saxony in connection with Corona.

More information

A virus hovers in front of a crowd (photo montage) © panthermedia, fotolia Photo: Christian Müller

How is Lower Saxony doing with the corona pandemic? What happened today? Find the latest numbers and news on Covid-19 cases in the country here. plus

11:21 am

Violations of the crown rules in Cloppenburg

After Stricter crown rules in the Cloppenburg district, police discovered numerous violations during checkpoints Sunday night. One communication speaks of “terrifying results”. Among other things, a music bar was searched in Cloppenburg, where officials found a nightclub-like establishment. Immediate closure had been ordered. The around 80 guests had to leave the premises with a police escort. Three other pubs and a shisha bar in Cloppenburg also received fines. The Cloppenburg district tightened the crown’s rules on Friday. There, nearly 64 people per 100,000 residents were infected with the corona virus in seven days.

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Police car © Picture Alliance Photo: Marius Becker

In the Cloppenburg district, police discovered numerous violations of the crown’s stricter rules Sunday night. Among other things, a music bar was closed. plus

10:50 am

15 new infections in Hamburg

The number of positive tests for Covid 19 has increased by 15 in Hamburg. As the health authority announced on Sunday, 33 infected patients are currently being treated in clinics, eight of them in intensive care units. The number of people who died related to Covid-19 was unchanged at 239.

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A child in a protective mask looks serious.  © photocase Photo: Michael Schnell

On Sunday 15 new cases of corona were registered in Hamburg. 33 people are hospitalized due to Covid 19 disease, nine of them in an intensive care unit. plus

10:42 am

Clinics have fewer intensive care beds available for corona patients

Despite the increasing number of infections, according to a report by the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung”, German clinics keep far fewer free beds for corona patients in their intensive care units than a few weeks ago. The president of the German Medical Association, Klaus Reinhardt, also believes this to be correct: “Despite the slight increase in the number of infections, there was no significant burden on intensive care units.” He believes that Baden-Württemberg recently decided to reduce the quota of free beds for intensive care patients with Covid-19 from 35 to 10 percent. In Lower Saxony, according to the report, only ten percent of beds have been reserved for Covid patients since mid-July. Hamburg abolished the quota entirely in August.

8:42 am

RKI Reports 1,345 New Corona Cases Nationwide

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) today reported a comparatively low number of new corona infections nationwide. Health authorities had transmitted 1,345 cases, the RKI announced in the morning. Experience has shown that the number of reported cases is usually lower on Sundays and Mondays, also because not all health authorities communicate data to the RKI on weekends. Yesterday, with 2,297 new infections reported across the country, the highest value since April was reached.

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07:51 am

17 new corona cases in Schleswig-Holstein

In Schleswig-Holstein, 17 new infections with the corona virus have been reported, the largest increase being recorded in the Pinneberg district with eight new infections. This increased the number of officially registered cases in the state to 4,400 since the beginning of the pandemic, as announced by the state registry office. There are currently five people with Covid 19 disease in a clinic in Schleswig-Holstein.

6:25 am

Balance of the Reeperbahn Festival in Corona conditions

The Reeperbahn Festival in Corona conditions ended yesterday in Hamburg. Typically tens of thousands are jostled at this music festival at various clubs large and small in and around the neighborhood. But this time the rule was: long distance, no singing, no dancing, often only seats and, above all, only a few spectators admitted per concert. Our Festival blogger Mathias Köppinghoff declared after queuing in vain for a long time in front of venues: “This year you should be happy when you get to a concert.” Today we will take stock.

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Spectators line up in front of the stage at the 2020 Reeperbahn Festival. © NDR Photo: Benjamin Hüllenkremer

The Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg has shown that musical events are possible again with restrictions. Around 8,000 fans attended about 120 concerts in Kiez. plus

6:15 am

The coronavirus in national magazines

The pandemic was also a topic in our state NDR magazines last night. Here is a selection of contributions:

06:05 am

Hansa fans meet the mask requirement

A week ago, many Hansa fans in the south stand in Rostock did not comply with the distance rules in front of a large number of spectators in the first national game and did not wear masks. Therefore, yesterday in the third division match against MSV Duisburg (3: 1) in front of 7,125 spectators, the requirement for them was: Wear mouth and nose protection! That worked pretty well for the most part.

VIDEO: Hansa scores first points against Duisburg (5 min)

6:01 am live ticker starts on Sunday

Moin, and have a nice Sunday! Even today, reports on the live ticker about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic in northern Germany, with news and content from the NDR radio and television program.

Yesterday, health authorities confirmed a total of 264 new corona infections in the north: 153 in Lower Saxony, 34 in Schleswig-Holstein and 77 in Hamburg; Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Bremen do not report figures on weekends.

FAQ, podcast and background

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View of the Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna.  © NDR Photo: Kathrin Weber

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