Coronavirus Live Ticker: The situation on Saturday, November 21 | – news


In the live ticker, will inform you today about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and Hamburg. All information on Friday here on the blog to read.

The essentials in brief:

  • Hamburg: UKE postpones many non-urgent operations
  • Hamburg vaccination center should be ready for use by mid-December
  • Before the federal-state summit: Will the partial “lockdown” be extended?
  • 250 new corona infections reported in Schleswig-Holstein, nearly 23,000 nationwide

Overview: Tables, Maps and Charts of Corona in the North
Background: come on
different case numbers terms

10:25 am

Hamburg: UKE postpones many non-urgent operations

Due to the increasing number of corona intensive care patients, the Hamburg-Eppendorf University Medical Center (UKE) is currently postponing around 40 non-urgent operations per day. That’s about one in three such interventions, a spokeswoman said. These include obesity operations, the treatment of hernias, jaw corrections or operations for benign diagnoses such as thyroid dysfunction. “UKE is reacting to the dynamic and dire situation,” the spokeswoman said. The Asklepios clinics, which treat about 60 percent of Hamburg’s crown patients in their seven homes, have yet to make any arrangements to postpone operations. However, in some cases, patient interventions were rescheduled for a later appointment, an Asklepios spokesman said.

09:34 am

Christmas tree growers are restless

Will more Christmas trees be ordered this year? Or less? The Christmas tree industry is unstable. Because the corona virus has changed everything, presumably also consumer behavior at Christmas. A report from a family business in Lower Saxony:

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Fir trees in a Christmas tree plantation.  © NDR

Will more be bought? Or less? Christmas tree growers are puzzled. The only certainty is that the trees will get more expensive. more

8:37 am

Those responsible for culture appeal to Tschentscher and Merkel

In an open letter to Mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD), heads of Hamburg’s main cultural institutions have called for a greater commitment to culture in the Crown crisis. Tschentscher should campaign in meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) on Monday to ensure that cultural and educational institutions reopen. It cannot be that shopping in department stores outweighs the offer of education, art and culture. In addition, a lot of time and energy was used during the first confinement to allow cultural experiences to be safe. Therefore, culture must be treated like churches and other religious communities, demand cultural workers.

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Karin Beier, Christoph Lieben-Seutter and Alan Gilbert (from left).  © Picture Alliance Photo: Montage

Culture is as important as shopping: Hamburg’s cultural workers have written an open letter to the mayor. more

07:35 am

The Hamburg vaccination center should be ready for use by mid-December

Preparations for corona virus vaccines are in full swing in Hamburg. The logistics for this should be ready for use by mid-December, as NDR 90.3 learned from Senate circles. There should be a central vaccination center in the city. Showrooms have been debated for a long time. In addition, mobile vaccination teams will be used, for example, in nursing homes. However, it is not yet clear who will be vaccinated and when.

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A person is vaccinated in the upper arm © Colourbox Photo: Antonio Gravante

There will probably be a central vaccination center in the Hanseatic city. The logistics should be ready in a few weeks. more

07:03 am

secondand almost 23,000 new infections registered worldwide

Health authorities have reported 22,964 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). Compared to the value of a week ago, there were about 500 more cases: last Saturday the figure was 22,461. The previous maximum was reached yesterday with 23,648 reported cases. The number of deaths in Germany related to the virus increased by 254 since yesterday to a total of 13,884 since the pandemic began.

6:18 am

250 new infections recorded in Schleswig-Holstein

According to the state government, 250 new corona cases were reported in one day in Schleswig-Holstein. The day before there were 264, before 208 and on Saturday of last week 296. The number of reported deaths increased from two to 233. According to the state government, 12,634 infections have been detected since the start of the pandemic. 141 patients with Covid-19 are currently being treated in the Schleswig-Holstein hospitals.

06:13 am

The crown crisis hits the poorest especially

According to the latest report by the Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband, Bremen is at the bottom of the list in terms of the poverty rate among the federal states. In the north, Schleswig-Holstein performs better in the country comparison. The association warned that the effects of the Crown crisis will markedly exacerbate poverty and social inequality.

VIDEO: Poverty Report: Corona pandemic exacerbates poverty (1 min)

6:09 am

Will the partial “lockdown” be extended?

Next Wednesday, the federal-state group wants to decide how to proceed in the corona pandemic and what protection measures should be applied in the coming weeks. At the moment, it appears that a relaxation is not expected any time soon. According to media information, citing groups of countries, the applicable measures could be extended until just before Christmas. This is what “Berliner Morgenpost”, “Tagesspiegel” and “Business Insider” report. Restaurants, cultural and leisure facilities are likely to remain closed. Stores, on the other hand, should obviously be able to keep opening during the Christmas business that is important to them. Depending on the infection situation at Christmas, there could also be an extension of the school holidays. Lower Saxony Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) apparently also assumes that the partial “lockdown” to combat the spread of the corona virus will continue. He said that to the “Handelsblatt”.

More information

Lower Saxony Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) holds a press conference in Lower Saxony's state parliament.  © picture alliance / Hauke-Christian Dittrich / dpa Photo: Hauke-Christian Dittrich

Ahead of the talks between the federal state and on Wednesday, the Lower Saxony prime minister spoke in favor of greater clarity. more

A table set in front of a closed restaurant with leaves on the table.  © imago images / Seeliger

In order to curb the increasing number of corona infections, there are drastic restrictions for citizens. more

06:05 am

Corona articles from state magazines

NDR television again reported yesterday evening on the consequences of the crown crisis for northern Germany. Here is a selection of the videos:

6:00 am.

Welcome to the live ticker on Saturday

Even today, will keep you updated on the effects of the corona pandemic in northern Germany. In the live ticker you will find all the important news, as well as the content of NDR radio and television programs.

A.M Friday there were 2,569 new infections in the north: Lower Saxony reported 1,633 new cases, Hamburg 362, Schleswig-Holstein 264, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 136 and the state of Bremen 174 – 23,648 new corona cases were confirmed across the country.

FAQ, podcast and background

Researchers in white coats climb a mountain with a syringe on top.

When is a corona vaccine available? Who will get it first? The NDR reports on current developments in the search for a vaccine. more

A drop hangs from the tip of a needle.  Behind the word

Plans for corona vaccination centers are becoming more specific. Logistics and warehousing in northern Germany are also being prepared. more

Crown numbers for Northern Germany

Automated Charts: How Many Covid-19 Patients Are in Intensive Care Units? The current state of the occupation. more

Virologist Prof. Christian Drosten and virologist Prof. Sandra Ciesek (montage) © picture alliance / dpa, University Hospital Frankfurt Photo: Christophe Gateau,

Here you will find all the episodes streamed so far to read and listen to, as well as a scientific glossary and much more. more

Different images with

In late 2019, a previously unknown lung disease breaks out in China and spreads around the world. On February 27, the first case occurs in the north. The most important events at a glance. more

A table set in front of a closed restaurant with leaves on the table.  © imago images / Seeliger

In order to curb the increasing number of corona infections, there are drastic restrictions for citizens. more

A pensive woman sits at a table with headphones on.  © imago images / Westend61

Until now, home insulation could be avoided with a negative corona test. Now it’s at least five days. more

A man is standing by the window wearing a face mask © Colourbox

Anyone returning to Germany from a risk area must first self-quarantine at home. But what does that mean? What are the penalties for infractions? more

A man holds a mask in front of his face.  © Brilliant Eye / Photo: Brilliant Eye /

To slow the spread of the coronavirus, a mask is required in parts of public space in northern Germany. You can find the most important questions and answers here. more

A laboratory assistant sits in front of a microscope in a dark laboratory © Colourbox

The corona pandemic has vastly changed everyday life. The virus has spread. What else is there to consider? What did the research show? Questions and answers about the coronavirus. more

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