Coronavirus Live Ticker: The situation on Saturday, November 14 | – news


In the live ticker, will inform you today about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and Hamburg. To read you can find yesterday’s blog here.

The essentials in brief:

  • Patientenschützer reject the use of infected caregivers
  • Demonstration and time trial “Querdenker” today in Aurich
  • Corona Crisis: The Bicycle dealer benefit
  • 296 new cases of corona registered in Schleswig-Holstein
  • According to the RKI, almost 22,500 new infections in Germany

Overview: Tables, Maps and Charts of Corona in the North
Background: come on
different case numbers terms

10:01 am

Patient protection: infected nurses shouldn’t work

Patient advocates object to the fact that nurses and geriatric nurses who tested positive for the coronavirus still have to work if necessary. The council of the German Foundation for Patient Protection, Eugen Brysch, spoke on NDR Info of a very bad concept. The fact that Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) is now thinking about it is not understandable after nine months of the Corona crisis. He called for the widespread use of rapid tests for employees in the health and care sector.

Eugen Brysch, President of the German Foundation for Patient Protection © German Foundation for Patient Protection

AUDIO: Patient Advocates Reject Use of Infected Caregivers (5 min)

09:25 am

Barge operators complain of heavy losses

The corona pandemic hit barge operators hard in the port of Hamburg. “The Corona crisis with the second ban on guest travel has brought heavy losses to the entire industry,” said Knut Heykena, managing director of the Hamburg Port Transport Association, at the request of the German Press Agency. “Not only did major sales drivers like Easter or the port’s birthday fail, demand was also low after the gradual relaxation of regulations in the summer.” Launch companies are now worried about winter, as hardly any money has been saved in recent weeks and months, as Jan Ehlers of the Ehlers launch center said. Competing firm Barkassen-Meyer expects sales to drop by as much as 70 percent by 2020.

More information

Barges moored in the port of Hamburg.  © picture alliance / dpa Photo: Christian Charisius

Revenue losses of up to 70 percent – Hamburg launch operators are suffering from the Corona crisis. more

8:48 am

Play it safe with quick tests

Nursing homes are required to conduct periodic Corona tests on their employees. For installations this means more effort, but also more security. This report from a healthcare center in Klanxbüll in Schleswig-Holstein shows how this works in practice.

More information

A rapid crown test is performed.  Photo: Sven Hoppe

The country wants to keep the risk of corona under control in facilities with such tests. How do the housing implement the plans? more

8:38 am

Health authorities have much less time for other things

Tracking contacts, taking smears, monitoring quarantine: Northern health authorities have more than enough to do in the corona pandemic, they are working beyond their limits of capacity. This has consequences for other office tasks, such as school entrance exams. This was the result of a survey conducted by the German Press Agency among the health authorities of Schleswig-Holstein. In many districts and cities, children who are likely to have special needs are assessed as a priority. It is said that as many first graders as possible should be tested.

8:09 am

Lower Saxony State Council of Parents criticizes health protection in schools

There are still criticisms of the Lower Saxony school concept in the Corona crisis. “So far, the lowest possible health protection has been applied in school. That is incomprehensible,” said State Parent Council President Cindy-Patricia Heine. For added protection, ask for Plexiglas walls to be installed so that masks can be dispensed with in class. With overloaded health authorities, health protection cannot currently be guaranteed. In addition to the situation in the schools themselves, Heine also criticizes the local public transport and school bus transport. The distance rules could not be observed there.

07:26 am

If it’s Christmas parties, then more digitally

Due to the corona pandemic, many companies canceled their Christmas parties as in-person events weeks ago or moved them virtually to the Internet. Restaurants and pubs are often the victims. “The classic month for Christmas celebrations is actually December,” said the president of the regional association Dehoga in Bremen, Detlef Pauls. He has little hope that things will start over. Big companies like VW had already made it clear in late September that the present Christmas holidays would not be approved due to the corona pandemic. At the energy company EWE, the solution is: Virtual Christmas parties.

07:07 am

Demonstration and counterrevolutionary “Querdenker” in Aurich today

In Aurich, East Frisia, advocates and opponents of measures to contain the corona pandemic want to take to the streets today. Police are on site to secure and monitor events, according to a police spokeswoman. According to media reports, up to 500 participants are expected. According to their own statements, the participants of the “lateral thinking” alliance want to meet in front of the Aurich Sparkassen-Arena around 2 pm and then move around the city. According to the police, a similar demonstration in October was peaceful. However, officials would intervene if protesters violated applicable requirements. The association “Aurich shows his face” has called a meeting in the market square from 2.30 pm. With colored ribbons as the distance requirement and a multitude of colored masks, it should be clear that a life in the days of Corona is possible despite the cuts, organizers announced.

06:42 am

RKI: 22,461 new corona cases in Germany

German health authorities have reported 22,461 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). Yesterday, with 23,542 new infections, a new record was reported since the start of the pandemic. Exactly a week ago, 23,399 new infections were recorded in one day. The number of deaths related to the virus rose 178 to a total of 12,378. According to RKI’s situation report yesterday evening, the so-called seven-day R was 0.99 (previous day: 0.93). This means that, in theory, 100 infected people infect another 99 people. The value represents the appearance of the infection 8 to 16 days ago. If it is below 1 for a long time, the infection process subsides.

06:34 am

296 new infections reported in Schleswig-Holstein

The number of recently confirmed corona infections in Schleswig-Holstein has increased by 296 in 24 hours. The state government announced. There were 192 new infections the day before, 274 a week ago. The number of deaths related to a Covid 19 disease increased by five to 218. According to the information, 112 Covid-19 infections are currently used in hospitals in Schleswig-Holstein. 19 patients treated.

6:30 a.m

Corona crisis: bike dealers benefit

Many orders, hardly any spare parts, many switched to bicycles during the pandemic. But dealerships can’t always deliver the bike and accessories you want. Many manufacturers sell out for months.

VIDEO: The Crown Crisis Brings Increasing Sales to Bicycle Dealers (3 min)

06:29 am

Corona articles from state magazines

NDR television also reported on the consequences of the crown crisis for northern Germany last night. Here is a selection of the videos:

06:29 am

Welcome to the live ticker on Saturday is also reporting today on the effects of the corona pandemic in northern Germany. In the live ticker you will find all the important news, as well as the content of NDR radio and television programs.

On Friday, northern authorities reported 2,626 positive corona tests, of which 1,602 in Lower Saxony, 535 in Hamburg, 192 in Schleswig-Holstein, 127 in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and 170 in Bremen. Across the country there were more than 23,500 new confirmed infections.

FAQ, podcast and background

Researchers in white coats climb a mountain with a syringe on top.

When is a corona vaccine available? Who will get it first? The NDR reports on current developments in the search for a vaccine. more

Crown numbers for Northern Germany

Automated Charts: How Many Covid-19 Patients Are in Intensive Care Units? The current state of the occupation. more

Virologist Prof. Christian Drosten and virologist Prof. Sandra Ciesek (montage) © picture alliance / dpa, University Hospital Frankfurt Photo: Christophe Gateau,

Here you will find all the episodes streamed so far to read and listen to, as well as a scientific glossary and much more. more

Different images with

In late 2019, a previously unknown lung disease breaks out in China and spreads around the world. On February 27, the first case occurs in the north. The most important events at a glance. more

A table set in front of a closed restaurant with leaves on the table.  © imago images / Seeliger

To curb the increasing number of corona infections, there are drastic restrictions for citizens. more

A pensive woman sits at a table with headphones on.  © imago images / Westend61

Until now, home insulation could be avoided with a negative corona test. Now it’s at least five days. more

A man is by the window wearing a face mask © Colourbox

Anyone returning to Germany from a risk area must first quarantine at home. But what does that mean? What are the penalties for infractions? more

A man holds a mask in front of his face.  © Brilliant Eye / Photo: Brilliant Eye /

To slow the spread of the coronavirus, a mask is required in parts of public space in northern Germany. You can find the most important questions and answers here. more

A laboratory assistant sits in front of a microscope in a dark laboratory © Colourbox

The corona pandemic has enormously changed everyday life. The virus has spread. What else is there to consider? What did the research show? Questions and answers about the coronavirus. more

The coronavirus blogs to read

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