Coronavirus Live Ticker: The situation on Monday, September 14 | – news


In this live ticker, will inform you today about the consequences of the crown crisis for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Hamburg. You can read yesterday’s news read here.

Wicthe most important in summary:

  • Crime rate in Lower Saxony decreased during the pandemic
  • The Prime Minister of Lower Saxony there Government statement on the status of the crown
  • In Schleswig-Holstein they were nine new infections reported with coronavirus

Overview: Tables, Maps and Charts of Corona in the North
Background: come on
different case numbers terms

7.45 am

Nine new corona infections in Schleswig-Holstein

The number of confirmed corona infections in Schleswig-Holstein increased from nine to 4,231 cases the previous day. 15 new infections were counted over the weekend. The number of people who died in connection with the Sars-CoV-2 virus in the north remained at 161.

More information

A person has laboratory samples.  © Picture Alliance Photo: Peter Steffen

Since the start of the pandemic, 4,231 coronavirus infections have been detected in Schleswig-Holstein. There are nine more cases than the day before. The number of deaths has not changed. plus

6:52 am

The crime rate in Lower Saxony fell during the pandemic

According to the State Criminal Investigation Office (LKA), crime in Lower Saxony dropped significantly during the corona pandemic. Due to the closure of nightclubs or the banning of major events, for example, there was less space for perpetrators to act. In certain areas, however, the researchers recorded a significant increase. For example, there was a 354 percent increase in fake store fraud in the first eight months of 2020 compared to the same period last year.

More information

Friedo de Vries (Chairman of the Lower Saxony State Criminal Police Office (LKA)) at a press conference.  © dpa Bildfunk Photo: Julian Stratenschule

In the first eight months of the year, crime in Lower Saxony dropped significantly. The head of the State Criminal Police Office, de Vries, explains the crown’s restrictions. plus

05:56 am

Lower Saxony government advises on crown crisis

Lower Saxony Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) wants today Submit a government statement on the status of the crown at the state parliament meeting. It is also about the introduction of a crown committee in the state parliament and the constitutional protection law. will broadcast live around 1.30pm. In Hallo Niedersachsen, Weil spoke last night about the last six months in crisis mode.

VIDEO: Stephan Weil crowns a year and a half pandemic (11 min)

05:52 am

Videos from last night’s national magazines

The corona pandemic was the subject of several articles in NDR state magazines last night. Here is an overview:

05:45 am live ticker starts on Monday

Good Morning! Even today is reporting again on the live ticker on the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic in and for northern Germany, with news and content from the NDR radio and television program.

Yesterday, health authorities reported a total of 82 new corona infections in the north: 67 in Lower Saxony, eleven in Hamburg and four in Schleswig-Holstein. There was no new information for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Bremen.

FAQ, podcast and background

A man holds a mask in front of his face.  © Brilliant Eye / Photo: Brilliant Eye /

To slow the spread of the coronavirus, a mask is required in parts of public space in northern Germany. You can find the most important questions and answers here. plus

A man is standing by the window wearing a face mask © Colourbox

Anyone returning to Germany from a risk area must first self-quarantine at home. But what does that mean? What are the penalties for infractions? plus

A waitress waits for customers in an empty restaurant in Gran Canaria.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Manuel Navarro

A world travel advisory applies until the end of September. Most European countries are excluded from this, but there are exceptions such as Spain for the high number of infections. plus

An airplane in the sky in front of a beach with palm trees.  © Picture Alliance Photo: Martin Schroeder

Anyone entering Germany from a risk area like Egypt must have a corona test from August 8. There are test centers at many airports. plus

Virologist Prof. Christian Drosten and virologist Prof. Sandra Ciesek (montage) © picture alliance / dpa, University Hospital Frankfurt Photo: Christophe Gateau,

Here you will find all the episodes aired so far to read and listen to, as well as a scientific glossary and much more. plus

Corona viruses hover over a calendar.  Symbol image © fotolia Photo: psdesign1, Brian Jackson

Some of the federal states of northern Germany have decided to relax the crown measures individually. An overview of when and where the regulations will go into effect in the coming days. plus

Researchers in white coats climb a mountain with a syringe on top.

Researchers around the world are working hard to find a vaccine against the coronavirus. The NDR reports on the search and provides an overview of the development status. plus

A laboratory assistant sits in front of a microscope in a dark laboratory © Colourbox

The corona pandemic has enormously changed everyday life. The virus has spread. What else is there to consider? What did the research show? Questions and answers about the coronavirus. plus

The coronavirus blogs to read

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