Coronavirus Live Ticker: The situation on Monday, November 2 | – news


In the live ticker, will inform you today about the consequences of the corona pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and Hamburg. Yesterday’s news can be read here.

The essentials in brief:

  • Stronger protection measures came into force today
  • Ask questions the Prime Minister of Lower Saxony, Weil
  • 161 new infections reported in Schleswig-Holstein
  • Yesterday’s crown numbers: Lower saxony reported 972 new infections, Hamburg 283, Schleswig-Holstein 265, Bremen 161 and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 52

Overview: Tables, Maps and Charts of Corona in the North
Background: come on
different case numbers terms

07:37 am

Church and theater come together in Hamburg

A few hours before the blockade of the new culture, Hamburg’s cultural institutions joined the church on Sunday evening and held a “divine service of the arts” at the Thalia Theater.

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Hamburg’s leading cultural institutions have bid farewell to Corona’s break with a church service at the Thalia Theater. more

07:29 am

Hamburg: sports clubs await emergency aid

According to Hamburger Sportbund (HSB) President Jürgen Mantell, one of the main problems with temporary closings is that children and young people in particular are increasingly distancing themselves from the sport as a result of club closures.

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Jürgen Mantell, President of the Hamburger Sportbund (HSB).  © picture alliance / dpa Photo: Daniel Reinhardt

The new restrictions of the crown meant a black hour for the sport in Hamburg. more

6:00 am.

161 new infections and two more deaths in SH

In Schleswig-Holstein, 161 new corona infections were reported in one day. As announced by the government, 8,453 people in the state have been shown to have been infected with Sars-CoV-2 since the start of the pandemic. The day before, the number of new confirmed infections was 265, a week ago it was 115. The number of deaths related to the virus increased from two to 177 in SH.

05:55 am

Tighter protection measures apply until the end of the month.

Stronger crown rules decided by the federal and state governments last week went into effect today, initially running through the end of the month. Among other things, there are restrictions on contact in private and in public. In addition, restaurants, pubs and nightclubs must remain closed as well as theaters, cinemas, swimming pools and cosmetic studios. You can find a more detailed overview of the rules here:

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There is a red traffic light on the street in front of the Federal Chancellery in Berlin.  © dpa photography: Bernd von Jutrczenka

To curb the increasing number of corona infections, there will be drastic restrictions for citizens starting Monday. more

05:50 am

Hamburg school buys air purification equipment

A primary school in Hamburg bought an air purification device – it’s in the math room. The school principal acted despite the fact that no government funding has yet been approved for this investment. He says it’s still worth it for the school.

VIDEO: The school wants to overcome the corona crisis with an air purification device (2 min)

05:42 am

Lower Saxony Prime Minister Weil answers questions

Tonight, Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) will be invited to the NDR 1 Lower Saxony radio program as well as two NDR television programs starting at 6 pm He will answer questions about the current situation of the crown in the country. If you want to participate and ask questions, you will find all the information here:

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Lower Saxony Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) looks beyond the camera at a press conference on school closings due to the spread of the corona virus.  © dpa / picture-alliance Photo: Julian Stratenschulte

Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) answers questions about Corona’s new rules live on NDR 1 Lower Saxony today. more

05:40 am

Television reports on the corona crisis in the north

Here is a selection of the articles in which NDR television reported on the corona pandemic last night:

05:33 am Live-Ticker started also reports Monday on the effects of the corona pandemic in northern Germany. In the live ticker you will find all the important news, as well as the content of NDR radio and television programs.

Yesterday’s crown numbers: Lower Saxony reports 972 new infections, Hamburg 283, Schleswig-Holstein 265, Bremen 161 and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 52.

FAQ, podcast and background

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