Coronavirus Live Ticker: the location in the north – News


Today we keep you informed about the coronavirus situation in northern Germany here in the updated live ticker. In addition to the news, there are also videos, audios, and background on the subject.

The wicThe closest:

  • Then Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania drive too Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein a mouth-nose protection obligation
  • Weil also announces a national mask regulation for Lower Saxony
  • Guide: buy protective masks – you should pay attention to that

Background: how to get there different numbers of cases settled down.

6:28 a.m.

Tip: buy protective masks, you need to pay attention to that

More and more states and federal cities are introducing a mask requirement on public transportation and stores. Where can consumers buy protective masks? What are the different types? And what should you consider when using the masks?


In more and more states and federal cities, a mask is already or will be mandatory. Where can consumers buy protective masks? What types are there? What should be considered when using it?

05:37 a.m.

Mask Requirement: Weil Announces National Regulation

Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) announced a regulation for Lower Saxony on the mask requirement due to the crown pandemic. “We are also doing regulation at the national level,” he said Tuesday night on the ZDF program “Markus Lanz.” At the same time, he criticized that some countries have rushed to the issue. “Yes, it bothers me. And that’s because we only sat together five days ago,” Weil said. “Actually, there are no significant new findings in this regard, except, of course, that there is some public pressure.”

05:20 a.m.

Corona contributions to NDR television

NDR television also reported on many aspects of the Corona crisis in the north last night. A selection


Hi lower saxony


Schleswig-Holstein Magazine

Schleswig-Holstein Magazine


Northern Magazine


Hamburg Journal

05:15 a.m.

Summary: Northern hospitals are very busy

A look at the intensive care units in hospitals in northern Germany continues to show many free capabilities. Even in the so-called high-care area, where comprehensive options for intensive medical therapy, such as invasive ventilation and organ replacement therapy, are available, only a few clinics claim they have no free capacity.

5:10 a.m.

Where in the north should masks be worn?

To Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania yesterday too Hamburgund Schleswig-Holstein decided to wear a mask in public spaces. In Lower Saxony is not yet required to wear everyday masks across the country. Individual cities like Braunschweig and Wolfsburg have already introduced the measure. Here is an overview:

Mask requirement in northern Germany
Country where from when
Hamburg Retail, weekly markets, public transport. April 27
Schleswig Holstein when shopping, public transport April 29
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania public transport, taxis, libraries April 27
Lower Saxony (not across the country) Wolfsburg: retail, public transport, taxis, public buildings, doctor’s offices, hospitals from April 20
Brunswick: retail trade, public transport from April 25
Wilhelmshaven: buses from April 27
Osnabrück: retail, public transport, public buildings, post office, banks

5 am.

Start our Coronavirus live ticker

Good morning The editorial team at informs you again today about the current development around the spread of the coronavirus in northern Germany. Here you can get news and background information as well as NDR television and radio program content. You can find more information on the following pages:

FAQ, podcast and background

In the Corona crisis, the northern federal states are preparing the first school openings. What plans are there? What do parents need to know? provides a complete description.

The federal and state governments have agreed to extend the ban on public contact. Find out exactly what is required and what relief measures have been decided here.

The coronavirus is spreading further in Germany. What should be considered now to prevent infection? You will find answers to many questions here.

The crown crisis puts many people in financial need. Politicians have reacted to this with new regulations. What payments can I suspend now?

What’s new in Corona Virus? Virus researcher Christian Drosten regularly answers questions and explains the background on a podcast.

The corona virus can become a deadly danger, especially for the elderly and sick. Therefore, nursing homes need special protection. What are the arrangements for northern countries?

What are the consequences of Corona at work? When can I stay home? Who pays my salary when I have to be quarantined and how does short-term work work? The most important questions and answers.

A world travel warning from the Federal Foreign Office applies to tourists until at least May 3. The reserved trips are canceled, the hotels are closed. How do customers get their money back?

The spread of the new coronavirus has been in the headlines for weeks. The number of infected people is also increasing in the north. You will find important information on this page.

Coronavirus blogs to read

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